Hi Richa,
first of all, you need to know haw to use tun/tap devices of the linux kernel;
second I think you need a a monitor to see what is incoming and outcoming into 
and to you microcontroller;

Do you have both?



Alle 07:58, mercoledì 24 gennaio 2007, Richa Malhotra ha scritto:
> Dear frnds,
> I have a UIP-0.9 code and i have already compiled and linked it.
> However i have to use the code for my own application.
> So i used example2 to start with application.
> I tried to check it on UART whether the data  sent is recieved.however with
> no results.
> Can anyone help me regarding how to test an application.

Fabio Giovagnini

Aurion s.r.l.
via degli orti 11,
40050 Funo di Argelato (BO)


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