
i like to use the telnetd from uip stack,

i have the problem that if i have a huge number of lines generated, it reach the TELNETD_CONF_NUMLINES (16 for example).

now i like to  transmitt every line separately if its possible.
so i don't have to deal with TELNETD_CONF_NUMLINES.

have some a hint where to start.


by the way i have found a good solution for the inttostr in shell.c it don't use space for a 0.

char inttostr(register char *str, unsigned int num){
  int k;
  char c, flag, *ostr;

  if (num < 0) {
     num = -num;
     *str++ = '-';
  k = 10000;
  ostr = str;
  flag = 0;
  while (k) {
     c = num / k;
     if (c || k == 1 || flag) {
        num %= k;
        c += '0';
        *str++ = c;
        flag = 1;
     k /= 10;
  *str = '\0';
  return ostr;

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