Hi all,

We have a customer requirement for a circuit to Baku in Azerbaijan.  We have 
tried contacting the local (state owned) telco, Aztelekom, but we can’t get 
hold of anyone useful.  Also, not sure if they have a network that stretches to 
the UK.  We have also looked up Delta Telekom, who look like a local DC/network 
operator, and it would seem they do have a global network with a PoP in 
Telehouse.  The only issue there is they don’t seem to answer the phone!

Does anyone have a clueful contact at Aztelekom or Delta Telekom?  Or does 
anyone else have any hints as to who else we should be speaking to?

Contact me off-list, or if you’re at RIPE come and find me.



Charlie Boisseau
Fluency Communications Ltd

T: +44 (0) 330 121 1000
Twitter: @charlieboisseau

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