Howdy All,

Refreshing our edge AS path filters, but starting from scratch to tidy
them up. I'm just talking about generic AS path filtering, like
bogons, that one would apply more or less everywhere, not about
matching specific downstreams or upstreams etc.

What do others have, what have I missed? Also can anyone with better
regex knowledge that me condense these?

! rfc7607 AS 0 disallowed


! rfc5398 ASNs for documentation/examples
! 64496 - 64511
! 65536 - 65551



! rfc6996 ASNs for Private Use
! 64512 - 65534


This one can be condensed into:


! 4200000000 - 4294967294


This one can be condensed into


! rfc7300 - Last 32 & 64 bit ASNs are reserved
! 65535
! 4294967295



Also the ASN range 65552-131071 is reserved on the IANA page but no
RFC or indication as to why or if it will be allocated later? Is
anyone filtering this range?



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