I believe what the government is looking for is the "first slash"
record. So a visit to www.bbc.co.uk/news <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news>
would have to be recorded as www.bbc.co.uk <http://www.bbc.co.uk>/
I maybe mistaken but thats my view from the evidence sessions.
Hal Ponton
Senior Network Engineer
Buzcom / FibreWiFi
Paul Mansfield <mailto:paul+uk...@mansfield.co.uk>
20 January 2016 at 11:24
Are we over-thinking it?
Can we not simply push the government into accepting that an "internet
connection record" is simply when the CPE gets a working connection to
the ISP, so for a domestic user it's when the PPP session comes up on
their modem/router, so the ISP just records the time it starts and
stops along with the IP addresses.
For a near permanent connection such as a businesses 100M fibre, it's
when customer's router is first turned on, until their service is
ceased at the end of the contract?
Ok, I'm probably being naive and optimistic.