On 24/May/16 10:01, James Bensley wrote:

> I wonder if there is scope at a UKNOF for someone to give an IPv6
> story but from the other end of the spectrum. We've had some great
> "We're rolling it out, this is how far we have got and how long to
> finish" and also some "We rolled it out and this is how we did it" - I
> wonder if anyone wants to give a talk on the business side of things,
> how did they make it appeal to upper management, how did they get
> their customers on board, how did they get their internal engineers on
> board (I encounter no shortage of enigneering colleagues that don't
> care / don't think its time yet), how did you sell it to customers
> commercially?

I suppose that could be an interesting talk, particularly if it was
laborious (and assuming the presenter still has enough energy to keep on

But the basic story to management would be something along the lines of,
"No IPv6, no business".


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