Hi All,

Having spent some time at $dayjob trying to get the automation wheel
rolling (nearly 2 years now) and still getting nowhere I think it’s
time to move on (there is a shed load of other reasons too of course).
NETCONF/Yang/OpenConfig are the bread and butter of the future in my
opinion, I also believe that all engineers should be able to program
to some basic extent (I know, I’m like an evil dictator right?). So
with that in mind I am trying to find a new company to have me but one
that also has an interest in these technologies and shares my
ideologies about the service abstraction, data models and automation
who needs a new network engineer with some programming skills (to live
out my dream of near total network automation).

I’m not a fan of buzzwords but I think the rising “NetDevOps” phrase
describes the position I am looking for best, however it’s proving
very difficult to find openings. I only know of a handful of networks
that have openly expressed their interest in prioritising the same
ideas as me and not many of them have openings.

So my question to the list is, who else shares these ideas and has
open positions (or, who do you know of)?


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