Just promise me one thing that there won’t be netldn meetings in slough!

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> On 5 Apr 2019, at 17:53, James Bensley <jwbens...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 at 10:06, Tom Hill <t...@ninjabadger.net> wrote:
>>> On 02/04/2019 09:49, James Bensley wrote:
>>> Similar to the Manchester chapter
>> As "chapter" implies the two events are in some way related, I should
>> point out that this is not the case. Both 'organisations' are entirely
>> separate.
>> NetMcr's organisers have of course been fully supportive of NetLdn and
>> we wish their community all the best in emboldening our industry's
>> social calendar, and wider tech industry reach. :)
> Hi Tom and all,
> Tom is completely right, the use of the word "chapter" is misleading.
> NetLdn are not associated with NetMcr but equally fully support them
> :)
> Richard Patterson and I from the NetLdn team will be at UKNOF next
> week, and Richard will also be at the IPv6 round-table. If anyone has
> any questions or comments who is also at either of these events,
> please come and talk to us or speak to us via the NetLdn mailing list
> (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/netldn) or email directly
> (he...@netldn.uk). I’m keen to cease any further discussion of NetLdn
> on the UKNOF mailing list and respect UKNOF policy.
> Kind regards,
> James.

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