Catalin Dominte wrote on 20/01/2020 14:49:
I complained to Apple about the replacement time, for something they got wrong in the first place. Told them I would invoice them for every day that laptop sits on their shelf if the keyboard is not replaced within one working day. Made a bit of a fuss when the shop was completely full, and they agreed quickly to stop losing customers 😊.

They obliged, and hey presto replacement sorted in 9 hours.

this might work if you're dealing directly with Apple, but if you're dealing with a Apple Premium Reseller, the workflow is:

- APR diagnoses problem
- APR sends faulty component to nearest Apple support centre
- Apple support centre sends replacement by return
- APR replaces part

A couple of years ago, I dropped a mbp into an APR for a fan replacement. Two motherboard replacements later and after a litany of denials followed by a stand-up argument with the poor sod who handled the repair, they finally agreed that the fan needed to be replaced. It took a couple of weeks without the laptop to sort all this. These days for small repairs like this, I usually get parts from The Bookyard and do the repair myself.

Usually the APR will make the correct diagnosis first time, but sometimes it can go hilariously wrong.


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