
Happy (as I always am) to see a great v6 agenda for these meetings. However, I 
must respond in this point:

> Since we want to encourage active participation during the roundtable, we are 
> limiting the number of virtual seats to 30.

Huh? No. You should be doing the exact opposite in this day-n-age. You should 
be going for the absolute maximum number of online attendees. Active 
participation will occur - those that are active are not affected by number of 
“virtual” attendees.

Face reality - online meetings are the new norm. The chances of meetings like 
yours going back to physical meetings for every meeting is slim. If this crisis 
has proven anything, it’s proven that we can happily continue and excel without 
the need to congregate in one location for an afternoon of talks. We can 
communicate and discuss and improve while being online. Heck! Tea and biscuits 
are in my kitchen - so there’s that issue solved!

Please reconsider that “30”. Please aim for the stars - go online with 300 or 
heck, even more! It’s not like there’s a limit when hosting a Zoom call (I just 
finish a 900+ attendee live presentation - over three continents - flawless!).




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