On 11/04/2023 12:48, Paul Civati wrote:

I would also look into what you are allowed to "import" and "export", I know you are not importing or exporting as such but things are different now with Brexit and there might be all kinds of rules where you need extra documentation otherwise what may be a personal or business tool to you could
look like something you are importing or exporting.

Related question - are you allowed to do anything with the tools when you get there?  This one's on my radar at the moment... I need an engineer to do some work on a router that's ours that lives in an EU data centre.  Nothing that's chargable to a customer or in any other way "transacting business" in the EU, but they would technically be "working" in the DC for a few hours.

I'm assuming I can't just pop a UK engineer on the Eurostar any more and I'm going to have to pay remote hands or otherwise sub-contract, but if anyone knows different, or a way to get a suitable do-your-job-for-a-day visa, that would be really useful. UK-only company which owns the router asset and pays the colo bill, no EU subsidiary to play with.



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