Awful Casualty

Donemana, Co. Tyrone - One of those visitations which are of a rare
occurence visited the town on the 11th Aug. At twenty minutes past
twelve o'clock, cries of fire resounded through the whole town. The
house of John DONAGHY, shoemaker, was found to be all on fire and the
residents there all asleep. It was found advisable to break open the
door and by that means enter the house. Sub-constable WALSH and
Sub-constable's HARVEY. KELLY and O'NEILL entered and rescued from
death, DONAGHY, his wife, Catherine DONAGHY, his sons, James, Patrick
and Hugh and also his daughter Ellen, and afterwards brought therefrom
the charred remains of his daughter, Catherine. Dr. BAIRD of Killens
was promptly on the ground but life was found extinct. The mother
suffered the effects of the smoke as did also the father and the son
James, who slept in a bed beside the fire. Two milch cows and pony
valued at 16£ and a pig at 2£ 5s. were found to be burnt to a cinder,
as also all the property in the house. The poor family are now left
destitute of even necessary clothing. They are stopping at Mr. James
BROWN's who, with his usual kindness of heart who spontaneously
offered them bed, board and lodgings,until something could be done for
them by public sympathy. Too much praise cannot be given to the
inhabitants of Donemana for the manner in which they acted through
this trying scene. but more particularly to constable M'CARBRY and the
men under his command, John O"NEILL, N. T. KILLENS, and Mr. BROWN,
hotel-keeper, Donemana. An inquest was held before the coroner, and
several witnesses were examined. Mr. John O'NEILL gave evidence of
having experienced the smell of fire, and after in vain, endeavouring
to awaken the inmates, ran to the police barrack, where sub -
constable O'NEILL was the first to answer him. Other witnesses were
examined including Mrs. DONAGHY who was nearly frantic for the loss of
her daughter, about 7 years of age. It was stated that no candle had
been struck up near any bed, but it transpired that DONAGHY was in the
habit of burning the refuse of flax which he kept under the bed of the
deceased and that his wife had cautioned him in the danger of that
course. The jury found that the deceased had come by her death by
suffocation in consequence of the burning the refuse of flax under the
bed in which she slept. The event had produced a deep sensation here.

Belfast Newsletter  21 Oct.1893

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