Omagh Petty Sessions Nov 1861

Before the
Rev. Robert V. DIXON (Chairman)
George Hall STACK Esqrs.

William COCHRAN of Dervaghroy, road contractor, charged the Portadown,
Dungannon and Omagh Junction Railway Company with refusing to repair or put
in order 74 perches of his contract road from Fintona to Mountfield and
from Omagh to Beragh.

Ordered that the Railway Company repair the portion of the contract road in
Tattykeeran within 1 month.

Same charged Terence SHIELDS of Donaghanie, with refusing to let him into a
quarry to raise stones for the use of the public road. Order to be given to
enter the quarry.

Sub-Constable Owen GALLAGHER charged Henry MONTAGUE of Beragh, James (KERR
or ORR?) Drumnakilly and Terence GALLAGHER, Tremog, with having their carts
on the streets of Omagh an obstruction to the public thoroughfare. Each
fined 1 shilling and costs.

Sub-Constable Patrick MULLAN charged Edward M'ALEER of Drumnakilly, Patrick
GORMAN and James CARLAN of Aughalane, with leaving their carts on the
public road an obstruction to the public thoroughfare. Each fined 1
shilling and costs.

Constable John DEVANE and Michael QUIN of Ballygowans, charged James
CUNNINGHAM (alias) CUNNAGHAN of Lisnamallard, with having, at Omagh, on the
23d instant, stolen a scarf, the property of Michael QUIN. To be imprisoned
2 months to hard labour.

Sir James M. STRONGE of Tynan Abbey, charged James BRADLEY of Drumnaforbe
with trespassing on his land Bomackatall, 29 October last, in pursuit of
game. Fined 20 shillings and costs.

Same charged John FEARY of Dressoy, with same offence at Dressoy the 16th
instant. Fined 10 shillings and costs.

Catherine CARSON Eskenmore charged James M'KEMAN Omagh, with cruelly
ill-treating a mare, her property. Fined 40 shillings and costs or to be
imprisoned 14 days to hard labour.

Sub-Constable Thomas CASEY charged Robert KERR of Ballintrain, with
attempting to rescue a prisoner, at Sixmilecross, the 19th instant. To find
bail for his good behaviour or be imprisoned 1 month.

Joseph CAMPBELL of Brackey charged Patrick HOYNES Cloughfin, with
assaulting Robert M'KEE at Sixmilecross the 19th inst. To be imprisoned 14
days to hard labour.

Inquest at Sixmilecross

The inquest on the body of Wm. M'DOWELL, gate-keeper on the Dungannon and
Omagh Railway, who was killed on the 20th instant, while opening the gates
for the passage of a train, was adjourned from the 21st instant till
Tuesday last and has been again adjourned in order to obtain further

Deceased was for many years clerk of the church at Sixmilecross and was
generally esteemed. His sudden and lamentable death and the circumstances
connected with it have produced quite excitement in the neighbourhood and
much sympathy is felt for the bereaved orphans. As the coroner's jury have
not yet returned their verdict, it is premature to express opinion as to
whether any blame attaches to the servants of the Railway Company. That is,
of course, the object of the inquiry.

Transcribed by Teena from the Londonderry Sentinel  Fri. 29 Nov. 1861

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