Friday 18 June 1847

Melancholy Accident
A man, named Wm. M'MENAMIN, employed by the officers of the Board of
Works in quarrying stones at Gallony, near Strabane, met with an
untimely death on Thursday, the 10th instant. It appears that the men
employed with him having dug too much earth from the bottom of a bank,
it fell in, and the unfortunate man was crushed to death. An inquest
was held on the body on the following day before Wm. O. ORR Esq.,
coroner, and a respectable jury, when a verdict was returned according
to the above.

On Monday last, two men named M'KENNA and HANNA, were engaged in
cutting timber in Mountjoy Forest, when a tree which they had almost
cut through, suddenly fell, crushing M'KENNA to death instantaneously,
and breaking HANNA’s leg. An inquest was held on the body of M'KENNA
and a verdict returned accordingly. HANNA was removed to the
infirmary, where he is gradually recovering, though it is to be
feared, he will never recover the use of the broken limb.

Dr. Edmund MAXWELL of this town, was unanimously elected medical
superiutendant of the Benburb dispensary on the 12th inst. We feel
satisfied that the conductors of that institution will have no cause
to repent their selection, as Dr. E. MAXWELL was much and deservedly
esteemed, both for his talent in his profession, and his unobtrusive
deportment, while a resident of our town.

On the 9th inst., at Kilskeery Church by the Rev. Arthur Irvine.
Joseph BUCHANAN Esq. Derrybrusk, County Fermanagh to Margaret,
daughter of John IRVINE Esq., Feglish, County Tyrone.

In the Registrar's Office. Dungannon, on Mon. the 14th inst., Mr.
Thomas PILLAR of Drumanney, to Miss Esther KIDD of Culkeeran, near

June 14th at Rockdale House, County of Tyrone, James LOWRY Esq., aged 60 years.

At Muff, County Donegal, on Wednesday morning last, after a short
illness, Thomas DOUGHERTY Esq.

On the 26th May, of dysentery, Robert, eldest son of Mr. John TAYLOR,
merchant, Sixmilecross, aged 31 years.

on 10th June, Cadwallader, only son of Mr. Ambrose BLAYNEY Dullaghan,
aged 26 years.

At Strabane on Sunday last, Mr. James M'DOUGAL clerk of the Strabane union.

At Glentimon, in the parish of Urney on Saturday last. Mrs.SPROULE,
relict of the late Mr. Wm. SPROULE, of Tullymoan

Public Notice
Wheras an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of the reign of his late
Majesty, George III., cap. 41, intitled, “An Act to establish
Regulations for Preventing Contagious Diseases in Ireland," full power
and authority is given us and the several persons therein named, to
"REMOVE, Strolling Beggars, Vagabonds, and Idle Persons seeking
Relief," and to commit such Persons to the Gaol, and have their
Persons and Clothes Washed and Cleansed, previous to their removal
from this Town or Parish; Now We, the Undersigned magistrates and
Officers of Health, in pursuance of a resolution adopted at a meeting
of the magistrates, Churchwardens and officers of Health, do hereby
give NOTICE to and require all such “STROLLING BEGGARS and IDLE
PERSONS seeking Relief,” forthwith to depart from this Town and Parish
to their respective localities, where Provision is by law made for
their support, otherwise they will be apprehended and dealt with
according to law; and we caution all persons from harbouring such
BEGGARS and other persons; and We hereby direct and require (as we are
by law enabled to do) all constables and peace officers, to be aiding
and assisting in carrying into execution the object of this
Given under our hands and seals, this 16th day of Jun. 1847
Thos. STACK, Clk., J.P. Officer of Health
Charles SCOTT J.P.
David WHITE J.P.
Richard STACK Churchwarden
H. THOMPSON M.D. Officer of Health
J. HAMILTON Jun., M.D., Officer of Health
R. D. COULSON M.D. Officer of Health

transcribed by Teena from the Tyrone Constitution
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