8 Sept. 1806 Co. Antrim

Joseph LINTON, Innkeeper and Grocer, of Kells, in the County Antrim,
now confined in the County Antrim Jail, at Carrickfergus, and not
being charged in custody on the first day of February 1806, with any
debt or debts, sum or sums Money, exceeding in the whole the sum of
one thousand five hundred pounds, (£1,500) hereby give this 3rd public
notice, that I intend to take the benefit of an act passed in the 46th
year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled, 'An act for the relief
of certain insolvent debtors.’  And I do hereby give notice, that a
true and perfect schedule, containing a discovery of all my real and
personal estate, hereafter to be sworn to, is now to be delivered to
any creditor, applying for the same to the Keeper or jailor, or his
deputy, of the said prison.
dated this 28th August 1806
William M’CLAVERTY jailor

transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle

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