Thursday 5 Oct. 1786

William COLLINS, otherwise CALLAN, otherwise JOHNSTON, eloped from his
Master, of the City of Londonderry on the night of the 25th Sept.
last, having first broken open his Master’s desk and carried away with
him 170£ or thereabouts.

Said COLLINS is of a dark brown complexion, pretty fresh colour, with
dark weighty eye brows; about 5 feet six inches, light made, his hair
cut short; he had on when he ran off a dark drab coat, well worn, a
black waistcoat and striped corduroy breeches and is aged about 25 or
26 years. He left Strabane on the morning of the 27th September, for
Newry, Dublin, or Belfast, as supposed, in company with one Patrick
DILLON, a hair dresser. DILLON is about five feet eight or nine inches
high, light made, with black hair, clubbed, and of a pale complexion.
CALLAN bought in Strabane a new pair of boots and a second hand
surtout coat, of coating, striped ; he wants a fore tooth.

A Reward of ten guineas will be given to any person who will apprehend
and lodge in any of his Majesty’s jails in this Kingdom the said
William COLLINS &c. as before mentioned, applying to Mr. Nat. BERRY,
Pill lane, or Peter McDONOUGH Esq. Londonderry.

transcribed by Teena from the Saunders  Newsletter

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