13 April 1825 Sovereign's Court (Belfast)


The following case came before the court on Monday

A young lad, named CARMICHAEL, was charged by James HERD, a farmer of
this neighbourhood, with having threatened to injure his person and
property. According to the statement of complainant and his wife, it
appeared that CARMICHAEL, in company with 7 other individuals,
accosted him in the field where he was at work, on Monday three weeks,
that one of these persons named M'DERMOTT entered the field, and,
having asked complainant if the property was his, he threatened that
he would 'warm his legs some night, without his requiring to leave the
bed-stock', and that CARMICHAEL cried through an opening in the hedge,
he 'knew him (HERD) by his cape, and would mark him.' They then went
towards complainant’s dwelling house and having got a drink of water
from his wife, uttered similar threats in her presence. Mr. HERD was
suspected to have given information respecting some illicit tobacco,
which was found concealed in his neighbourhood some time ago.

A printed placard was produced, which had been posted on HERD's
premises, inscribed 'James HERD is the informer on William MORROW'

The Sovereign, with whom was John M'CANCE Esq. on the bench, expressed
their determination to repress such attempts at intimidation, by those
ample means which the law furnished, and ordered CARMICHAEL to find
bail to keep the peace.

Infamous Houses
Pat. O'HARA, Mrs. and Miss O'HARA and Betty HAGAN, their maid,
appeared to answer the charges of assaulting David ADAMS and keeping a
disorderly house.
Pat. as principal in the assault, and his wife, daughter, and maid, as
main causes of the charge of infamy now brought against their
establishment in West street. In support of the latter charge,
complainant laid a petition before the bench, 'respectably and
numerously' signed, from the inhabitants of Greg’s Row and vicinity,
setting forth the grievances under which they laboured, in consequence
of the outrageous and abominable conduct of the tenants of the O'HARA
family, such conduct tending to "deprave the morals of the rising
inhabitants, disturb the public peace and endangar unwary strangers,
who might be dragged in and plundered,” by the hordes of prostitutes,
thieves, robbers, and pickpockets, whom David ADAMS described as the
constant inmates of said tenements. Complainant then stated, that old
O'HARA committed the alleged assault by spitting at him and
threatening to leave his brains on the street to gather.

Pat. O'HARA "Your Honour, I deny the spit!” He then preferred a
counter charge of mischievous and horrifying threats against ADAMS.

Magistrate - Will you swear you are afraid of ADAMS?

Miss O'HARA "Yes he will, your Honours." - "Sure, you may swear that?”
- Old O'HARA seemed ready to swear, but the oath was not administered.
The charge of assault was dismissed and the nuisance was sent to the
Quarter sessions.

Family Jars

Ayoung man preferred a charge of assault against his landlord. The man
rents a room, in which he was quietly sitting last Easter eve, when he
heard 'kick up' above stairs, and his land-lady's voice topmost
screeching 'murder' and calling for his (the lodger’s) assistance to
rescue her from destruction. The young man, simply enough, though
gallantly, rushed up stairs, to save his landlady and was received by
his landlord with a blow under the angle of the left jaw, which
returned him reeling down stairs to his apartment. The landlord denied
the assault. He had merely driven his wife into a corner to take a
couple of keys from her, when the complainant impertinently interfered
and seized him the breast.
The Magistrate cautioned the youth against similar interferance in
future and dismissed the case.

16 Dec. 1829
on Marriage
SELDON says, "Marriage is a desperate thing. The frogs in Esop were
extremely wise; they had a great mind to some water, but they would
not leap into the well, because they could not get out again."

The learned civilian seems to have had great a horror of matrimony as
St. Paul himself, though does not treat the subject solemnly. In
another place he remarks, "A man that 'will' have a wife should be at
the charge of her trinkets, and pay all the scores she sits upon them.
He that will keep a monkey should pay for the glasses he breaks.?"

Rules for Building
"Never build after you are five and-forty; have five years income in
hand before you lay a brick; and always calculate the expence at
double the estimate." Kett

Best Part of a Feast
Cornaro had a merry saying, that would not be credited in the city,
that of all parts of a feast, 'that which one leaves does one the most
good.” Wadd on Corpulency

Signs of Over- feeding
The person who after meals complains of giddiness, heaviness,
lassitude, uneasiness, distension of the belly, or great inclination
to sleep, has exceeded the rules of prudence, and should be on his
guard in future. In order to preserve both body and mind in full
activity to taste the pleasure and advantages of food, it should be
taken with prudence. We should never forget the salutary rule, that
"to forbear is to enjoy.” Oracle of Health.


On Wednesday last by the Rev. John ORR of Portaferry Mr. John GUNNING
of Tullymally, to Eliza. eldest daughter ef Mr. Samuel WILSON of

On Monday last, by the Rev. James Smith, Mr. Samuel BEGGS (or BOGGS)
Drumnacannon, to Miss Matilda KELSO of Drumlave (?) near Portglenone.

At Abbey Place, Kelso, Scotland, on the 23rd ultimo, George GILLIES
Esq. surgeon, Coldstream, Rebecca Jane, only daughter of the late
Maior David SETON of the Hon. East India Company's Service.


At Newis Bridge on the 14th ult. Margaret SMYTH in the 89th year of her age.

On the 23rd ult. Mary MORELAND of Ballybranagan, near Portaferry, in
the 88th year of her age.

On the 3rd inst. Mr. Finlay BUCHANNAN for many years a respectable
cloth-merchant in Enniskillen.

On the 8th inst. Mr. Fookes MOORE, recorder of the corporation of Enniskillen.

transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle

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