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Environs of Aghintain Co.Tyrone

While compiling this document, I realize that I do not know, exactly which
townlands, are within the 'Environs of Aghintain' Co.Tyrone. I have
attempted to discover what they are, but I'm afraid I did not find that
information. It seems that Losset, may be one of them. (from the photograph
of Kenneth Allen!)

The same thing happened to me while compiling the 'Brantry District'
document, and on that one, I simply used a map. (and I highly doubt it is
100% complete, or accurate)

I have never (yet) been to Ulster, nor Co. Tyrone, and defining some of the
districts & areas can be very difficult when afar.

If anyone can help me, to include and update this information in these
documents, I would really appreciate it.

There is also mention of a Mr O'BRIENE having composed an 'ode' for an
event for Aughentaine in 1863, said to have contained much of the history
of the area. I've been unable to discover this.

Thank you!

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