Hi Teena & Everyone
I recently came across an abstract of an article about a Manslaughter case 
tried at the Omagh Assizes in September 1775 taken from the Londonderry(Derry) 
Journal of that date and published in a book which was indexed on Ancestry.com. 
This got me intrigued and so I have started digging.
I wish to see the original article in case there was more information so I 
contacted the newspaper office by email but they dont have the earliest years 
archived. FMP has them starting from 1785 but not the years 1772 to 1784 which 
where covered in the book, Irish Genealogical Abstracts from the "Londonderry 
Journal," 1772-1784, Donald M. Schlegel, Jan 2001,Genealogical Publishing Com 
based on 'a micofilm version of the paper', the location of this microfilm is 
not stated in the book, strangely. I will seek out the publisher to contact the 
author but thought to ask here as someone might have some knowledge.

Has anyone come across this microfilm?


Kind Regards
 Cheryl     On Friday, 4 December 2020, 01:00:16 am GMT+8, 
<ulsterancestry-requ...@cotyrone.com> wrote:  
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Today's Topics:

  1. Dawriestown / Dauriestown (alias Beragh), Co.Tyrone (Teena)
  2. a bit of 1780's news (Teena)
  3. Ribbon-men links for more information (Teena)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 10:42:10 -0800
From: Teena <4theloveoftyr...@gmail.com>
To: ulsterancestry@cotyrone.com
Subject: [UlsterAncestry] Dawriestown / Dauriestown (alias Beragh),
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

5 Feb. 1824
A correspondent of the Belfast News Letter states that a body of
ribbonmen, about 500 in number, commenced a dreadful riot at a fair in
a village called Dauriestown (alias Beragh), County of Tyrone, on the
15th ult. A party of yeomanry was sent for, to disperse the rioters,
when unfortunately, a young man, named Adam SMYTH, a Protestant, was
killed. The ribbonmen fled in all directions.

transcribed by Teena from the British Press


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 12:07:14 -0800
From: Teena <4theloveoftyr...@gmail.com>
To: ulsterancestry@cotyrone.com
Subject: [UlsterAncestry] a bit of 1780's news
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hello Friends

Bits and pieces of early 1780's news for you, from the Hibernian Journal.

3 Jan. 1781
Deserted from his Majesty's Regiment of horse (or Carabineers)
commanded by the Right Hon. lieutenant-general Sir John IRWIN K.B.

George FULTON, about 27 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches, high without
shoes, born in Newtown Stewart in the County Tyrone fresh complexion,
grey eyes, brown hair inclined to curl, well-looking, strait and
well-made. He took with him his regimental clothing, white Jacket with
a scarlet collar, and laced hat, the buttons marked 'Carabineers'.  He
deserted the 24th December 1780 and is supposed to have gone near
Omagh in the County Tyrone, where he has some relations.

4 Sept. 1782
Whereas on the 18th of last month, Charles Ayl _ (?) mer KELLY
surveyor of excise, James KIRK, John ROBINET and John PEPPER, guager,
assisted by a party of the military and a constable, proceeded upon
information to the house of Richard ARMSTRONG of Richmont, near
Ballygawly, in the County of Tyrone and notwithstanding, the said
information appeared to have been justly founded, by the discovery the
officers made of a quantity of burnt wash and grains in the said
ARMSTRONG'S out-offices, they were prevented from seizing and taking
away the still, by a most violent opposition they met with from the
people in the house, who threw stones at them, knocked down one of the
officers and fired several shots at them, by some of which, the
sergeant and two of the soldiers were wounded. The commissioners of
his Majesty?s revenue for discovering and bringing to justice the
persons concerned in the said violent outrage and assault, hereby
offer a reward of Fifty pounds sterling to any person, or persons, who
shall prosecute to conviction, any one, or more, of the persons
by order of the commissioners
Vaun. MONTGOMERY, sec.

18 Dec. 1782
On Wednesday the 20th of November last as Francis LENDRUM of Beagh, in
the County of Tyrone, was going to the Town of Fintona, in the
Townland Carnugai, about 12 o?clock in the day, he was met by a
highwayman, armed with a blunderbuss and a case of pistols, who after
robbing him of 5 Shillings, knocked him down, dragged him to a
sand-hole adjoining the road and after researching him applied his
blunderbuss to his cheek and emptied the contents of it through his
head, notwithstanding, the unfortunate sufferer lived a few days and
gave an accurate description of the murderer. He is about 5 feet 10,
remarkably strong and robust, black complexion, black hair, wore a
grey surtout and brown coat.

24 Feb. 1783
Married - At Prehen, near Londonderry, David ROSS, to Miss MAHON,
sister of M. MAHON Esq; M. P. for the County Roscommon.

26 Mar. 1783 Bankrupt
Robert BROWN of Coagh, Co. Tyrone, linen-draper, to surrender on the
14th and 16th of April, and 6th of May, at the Tholsel, Dublin.

23 May 1783 Bankrupt
James M?KENNA, of the Brooke, Co. Monaghan, distiller, to surrender on
the 11th and 12th June, and of 3rd July, at the Tholsel, Dublin.

10 Nov. 1783
married - At Newry Mr. John BLAIR, merchant to Miss Sarah ASHMORE.
died- At Derry, Mr. Thomas GOUNE.
died - At Londonderry Mr. William CALDWELL, merchant; and Mrs. KING.

17 Nov. 1783
On Friday morning last, a most cruel murder was committed on the body
of Mr. John BARKLEY, near the town of Moy in the County Tyrone, by a
person whose name is MALLAN and his accomplices, who shortly after,
made their escape.

10 Dec. 1783
The Rev. Thomas BIRCH of Saintfield, County Down, to Miss Isabella
LEDLIE of Carnan, Co, Tyrone.
At Strabane, Dr. CRAWFORD of Lisburn to Miss SMYLY, daughter of Mr.
SMYLY, merchant.

died- Sincerely lamented at Banbridge in the County Down, Rev. Mr.

31 Dec. 1783
Mr. James OLIVER of Armagh, to Miss LETTIMUR of Bellagh, Co. Tyrone.
Thomas ABRAHAM of Londonderry, Esq. to Miss BOYLE, daughter to James
BOYLE Esq. of Kilrisk, Co. Tyrone.

died - Miss Hariot Mirtilla RICHARDSON, youngest daughter of the late
Francis RICHARDSON, of Doohatty Co. Monaghan.

For more info on the 'Tholsel' Dublin

Happy Hunting- Teena


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 12:38:53 -0800
From: Teena <4theloveoftyr...@gmail.com>
To: UlsterAncestry@cotyrone.com
Subject: [UlsterAncestry] Ribbon-men links for more information
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

 Hello Friends

To learn more about the Ribbon-men, which were mentioned in my recent
transcript of Dawriestown / Dauriestown (alias Beragh), Co.Tyrone, please
see the following links.






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