13 Apr. 1838 Belfast Quarter Sessions

Eliza STEWART was indicted for having in her possession, a pair of
pantaloons, two shirts, and two vests, at Belfast, on 23rd Jan. last,
the property of Sarah DEVLIN knowing same to be stolen. Guilty 3
months in gaol.

Sarah GRAINGER for stealing ten cotton caps from the mill of Francis
LEPPER and others on 22nd January last. Guilty 1 month in gaol.

Isabella ROBINSON for stealing 7s. Gd. the property of J. M'CONNELL on
the 27th Jan. last, at Belfast. Not guilty.

Jane CLARKE and Grace LOUGHREY for stealing a slate, at Belfast, on
29th Jan. last, the property of David SIMMS. Guilty 12 months in gaol.
The prisoners were, each, five times before the court, and the age of
either does not exceed eleven years.

Bernard MULHOLLAND for stealing a shirt at Belfast, on 12th Feb. last.
the property of James MELVILLE. Guilty 1 month in the house of

J. WEIR, for stealing a quantity of whiskey at Belfast, on 12th Feb.
last, the property of Terence O'HANLON. Not guilty.

Mary GREEN for stealing a shawl and cap at Belfast on 21st Feb. last,
the property of Mary CULLY. Not guilty.

Hugh QUIN for stealing two shirts at Belfast on 3rd March last, the
property of John FITZSIMMONS. Guilty 2 months in the house of

J. NOON for stealing a piece of calico at Belfast, on 3rd March last,
the property of Mr. LYNN. Guilty 3 months in gaol.

William CATHERS for stealing a watch, on 10th March last, at Belfast,
the property of William WILSON. Guilty 1 year in the house of

Thomas M'CANN for stealing a quantity of sugar on 13th March last, at
Belfast, the property of Martin HARPER. Guilty  2 months in gaol

Edward STEWART for stealing a large quantity of linen cloth, at
Castlereagh on 5th inst. the property of Mr. BIRCH. Guilty 7 years

John HOLLAND for stealing at chair, the property of Robert KANE,
Belfast. Guilty to be imprisoned for 1 month in the house of

Mary M'VEIGH for having in her possession two ducks and a drake, the
property of John HULL (or HALL?) on 15th January. Guilty 4 months in
the House of correction.

Charles B. LAVERY for having in possession a buck-band, the property
of Robert WATSON knowing it to be stolen. Guilty 3 months in the house
of correction.

Patrick O'NEILL for stealing two handkerchiefs on 7th March last, at
Belfast, the property of Alexander SMITH. Guilty the prisoner being an
old offender, having been previously twenty times in custody, was
sentenced to be transported for 7 years.

Sarah and Eliza ROGAN for having in their possession four books, the
property of Messrs. SIMMS and M'INTYRE, knowing them to be stolen.
Eliza ROGAN not guilty; Sarah, guilty; to be imprisoned 2 months from
the date of her committal.

William John PORTER for stealing a gown on 14th March last, the
property of George RODGERS Pleaded guilty 6 months in the House of

Sarah SIMPSON for having in her possession two silk gowns, the
property of Miss HARRISON; also for having in her possession a silk
cloak and other articles, the property of Mrs. Margaret HILL, knowing
same to be stolen on 6th February last. Guilty 6 months in gaol.

James SMITH for stealing a piece of barilla on 23rd Jan. last, the
property of George ASH. Pleaded guilty to be imprisoned for 1 month.

Francis HUMPHRIES for stealing a variety of articles on 10th Feb.
last, the property of Mr. W. BURROUGHA, Theatre. Not guilty.

John CAMPBELL for stealing eight numbers of Chambers' Journal, on 8th
Feb. last, the property of Peter GIBSON. Guilty 3 months in the county

Margaret TAGGART for stealing a pair of shoes. Pleaded guilty 3 months
in the county gaol.

John CUSHNAHAN for stealing a shirt, the property of Patrick NORTON. Guilty.

William HAGAN for taking from the person of John COSBY two purses
containing £4 10s. Guilty.

Hugh M'TEAGUE for defrauding Joseph SMITH of a shilling under false
pretences. Guilty 12 months in gaol.

James DOOLEY for stealing a piece of rope, on 24th Feb. last, the
property of John YOUNG. also, for an assault on Patrick REILLY. Guilty
on both counts, 3 months in the county gaol

James MacCARTNEY for stealing bread tickets to the amount of 10s., on
11th March last, the property of Joseph BURN. Guilty 3 months in the
county gaol.

William MILLAR for stealing a knife on 15th Jan. last, the property of
David SOUTER. Not guilty,

James M'ERLAINE for having in his possession a goat's horn, the
property of John M'CAY. Not guilty.

Catherine CARROL for stealing a cloak on 22nd Dec. the property of
David M'CLURE. Guilty to be imprisoned 3 months from the date of

Eliza CRAWFORD for stealing a knife and fork on 29th January the
property of John QUINN. Guilty to be discharged at the end of the

Ann MULHOLLAND for stealing two handkerchiefs on 15th Feb. last, the
property of John CRAIG. Guilty to be imprisoned 1 month.

John SPENCE for stealing a piece of lead, the property of David BROWN.
Pleaded guilty, imprisoned 1 month.

Robert SHIEL and Bernard M'MANUS for having in their possession two
books, the property of Messrs. SIMMS and M'INTYRE. Robert SHIEL not
guilty; M'MANUS guilty; imprisoned 2 months.

Wm. M'DONNELL for having in his possession a book, the property of the
same persons. Not guilty.

Hugh RIDDELL for stealing a jar of whiskey, the property of Miss V.
KEENAN. Not guilty.

John M'CRACKEN for stealing candles and soap, the property of George
HALLORAN on 12th Feb. also for stealing a basket, the property of
Archibald JOHNSTON. Guilty 4 months in the house of correction.

Henry MULHOLLAND for stealing and Agnes BOYD for receiving, a quantity
of sugar, the property of Thos. CARROL. Both guilty; MULHOLLAND, 12
months in gaol; BOYD, 6 months.

Andrew M'CUTCHEON and George M'CARTNEY for having in their possession
a quantity of sugar, knowing it to be stolen, the property of Arthur
FORBES on 16th Feb. last. Guilty 6 months in the county gaol.

George M'CARTNEY one of the prisoners in the former case, for stealing
a silver spoon, the property of Joseph M'DOWELL. Guilty 6 months from
the expiration of his previous sentence.

John HAMILL for obtaining a basket, containing jars, under false
pretences, from Henry BARRY, the property of Mrs. BINGHAM. Pleaded
guilty; 1 month in the house of correction.

James HUMPHRY for stealing coals from a cart in High street, on 2nd
March last, the property of a person unknown. Guilty 1 month in jail.

John GREGORY for stealing a bible, at Belfast on 3rd March, the
property of Denis MULLAN. Not guilty.

Michael CHRISTIE for having a coat in his possession, stolen at
Belfast, on 3rd March, the property of James PRENTER knowing same to
be stolen. Guilty 2 months in the house of correction.

James WORREL for having in his possession a silver tea- spoon, the
property of Joseph M'DOWELL at Belfast on 21st Feb. last, knowing same
to be stolen. Not guilty.

Pat. M'ALEAVY for stealing a piece of rope from the Cor- poration
dock, on 17th March last, the property of John HOUSTON and others. Not

James DAVISON for obtaining a hat. under false pretence, from Hugh
GRAHAM at Belfast, on 18th Jan. last. Not guilty.

Louisa QUIN for laying down and exposing an infant child, on 17th
March. Not guilty.

Jane WILSON for stealing a bottle and handkerchief, at Belfast, on 6th
Mar. last, the property of John QUIN. Guilty 3 months in the house of

John BELL and Sam. DYER for a riot on the Malone Road, on 20th Jan.
last, and for an assault on Wm. JAMESON and Daniel MACKIN (?) two of
the constabulary. Guilty 9 months in the house of correction.

Transcribed from the Belfast Newsletter

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