Good Day Friends

Just some bits and pieces of news from March 1838 for you today.

13 Mar. 1838

Murderous Assault
On the 14th ult., while a young man, named Isaac WOODS was returning
from a smith’s shop in Donagheady, between five and six o'clock in the
evening, he was attacked by three men, James M'KEEVER, Robert M'KEEVER
and a servant of theirs named James M'KEEVER. He was first knocked
from his horse with a spade by the first-named James M'KEEVER, and the
others assisted in beating him when down with sticks. The police have
succeeded in apprehending the servant, who has been admitted bail, the
rest have escaped their vigilance.
WOODS is dangerously ill. No reason can be assigned for the
perpetration of this cowardly assault, except that WOODS has a dispute
with the M'KEEVER'S about the division of some land.

Donegal Farming Society
The annual ploughing match took place on the 6th instant, at
Castlemurray, near Dunkaneely and notwithstanding the severity of the
day, eleven ploughs started in good style and well appointed. The
ploughing was superior to any that has hitherto taken place and that
in a part of a district where there had not been a ploughing match
before. The improvement in the ploughs and the appointments is very
great since the commencement of the Society.
The successful candidates were
1 George FARRELL, Raneeny
2 Henry CASSIDY, Dunkaneely
3 Wm. THORNLY, Moyne
4 George MANEELY, Ballyotherland
5 Wm. MANEELY, Ballyotherland
6 Charles CASSIDY, ditto

The Judges were - Messrs. James O'DONNELL, William MANEELY and James
KERR assisted an experienced ploughman of the Rev. Mr. WALSH. The
judges took every care in making their adjudications and gave general
satisfaction to the candidates. There was a vast number of spectators,
who dispersed quietly. The Society is much indebted to the Rev. Mr.
WELSH for his exertions in keeping order and regularity during the
ploughing. If the day had been favourable there would have been at
least 16 ploughs.

27 Mar. 1838 Tyrone assizes
The following is a list of the sentences passed at the close of those assizes.

James M'DEVITT - Cow stealing; transported fifteen years. William
HARKENESS - Resisting police in execution of duty; imprisoned 2
months, with hard labour.
John CRUDDEN - Larceny; imprisoned 12 months, with hard labour.
Biddy BROWNE - Pig Stealing; imprisoned 6 months, with hard labour.
James MILLAR - Cow stealing; transported 10 years. Alexander THOMPSON
- Pig stealing; imprisoned 6 months, with hard labour.
Thomas HANNON - Larceny; transported 7 years.
Francis M'GAUGHY - Manslaughter; imprisoned 12 months, with hard labour.
Stephen M'BRIDE - Riot; security to keep the peace
John MAYNES - Highway robbery; imprisoned 9 months from date of
committal, with hard labour.
Richard PALMER - Cow stealing; imprisoned 18 months from date of
committal and security for good behaviour.
Mary M'GUIGAN - Arson ; judgment of death.
Robert GORMLEY, John FOSSET and Matthew COOK - Riot; imprisoned 6
months each, from date of committal, with hard labour.
Alexander DOHERTY - Malicious assault; imprisoned 6 months, with hard labour.
John TURISH - Malicious assault; transported 7 years.
John STEELE - Manslaughter; imprisoned 12 months, with hard labour and
security to keep the peace.
William STEELE - Manslaughter; imprisoned 18 months, with hard labour
and security to keep the peace.
Michael GORMAN - Having forged notes in possession; transported 14 years.
Michael M'GINN - Like offence and sentence.
Hugh NEAL - Bigamy; imprisoned 5 weeks from committal. Charles KEARNEY
- Manslaughter; transported 7 years. John MILLAR - Assault; imprisoned
3 months.
John DEVLIN and James DEVLIN - Coining; imprisoned 12 months, with hard labour.
Biddy M'BRIDE - Larceny; imprisoned 3 months, with hard labour.
James STEWART - Larceny; imprisoned 6 months, with hard labour.
Michael FALLS - Riot; imprisoned 2 months, with hard labour. Betty
CONNOLLY - Vagrancy; transported 7 years, unless she find security
within three months for her good conduct.

Donegal assizes Sentences passed on prisoner's;

Simon FERRY - Cow-stealing; to be transported for 10 years. Pat
M'KEAGUE - Having stolen goods in possession; to be transported for 10
Robert ARNOLD - Burglary; to be transported for 10 years.
Robert RAMSAY - Assault during a fit of insanity; to be transmitted to
the lunatic asylum until the pleasure of the Lord Lieutenant be known.
Sally BRATTAN - Larceny from the shop of Wm. CROSSAN; to be
transported for 7 years.
Michael M'CONNELL - Stealing 4 geese; to be imprisoned 3 months at hard labour.
John B. SHEIL M.D. - Libel; to be imprisoned a week, and give
security, himself in £200 and two sureties in £100 each. Edward FREEL
- Stealing hay and violently assaulting Robert REID; to be imprisoned
12 months and kept to hard labour.

Londonderry Assizes Crown Court'

James MULBERRY was indicted for assaulting Thomas FLETCHER whilst
about to execute a warrant on David MULBERRY
It appeared in evidence that FLETCHER was appointed by the magistrates
to execute a warrant on David MULBERRY who had been guilty of a breach
of the game laws and that James MULBERRY, brother to David, prevented
the execution, taking up a gun and threatening FLETCHER, that if he
did not go away it would be the worse for him. It did not appear on
evidence that MULBERRY put a hand to FLETCHER or even presented the
gun at him.
Mr. MACKLIN for traverser, contended that no words can amount to an
assault and appealed to the judge and jury that there had been no
assault committed in the present instance. His Lordship told the jury
that if there was such resistance made by traverser as caused
prosecutor to desist from executing the warrant, they must consider it
a breach of the law. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. One
month’s imprisonment and find bail, himself £20, and two securites in
£10 each.

Samuel M'MULLEN was indicted for having in his possession, at Garvagh
on the 9th Feb. five sheep, the property of John LOVE. - Guilty - to
be transported for 7 years.
Alexander COURTENNY for having stolen a quantity of yarn out of the
garden of William FORSYTH in the parish of Faughanvale. Guilty - to be
transported for 7 years.
William FULLEN indicted for stealing certain sums of money from Daniel
HAGAN. - Not guilty.
John M'CLOSKEY indicted for stealing a cow in Nn-Limavady on 24th July
last and offering her to several persons, wanting them to take her as
pledge, &c. - Not guilty.
Bridget DALY indicted for stealing a quantity of flax from her father,
John DALY. - Not guilty.

George MARTIN and Isaac MARTIN indicted for stealing a cow at Boveady
on 5th December, the property of Margaret ALEXANDER.
Thomas STEWART examined - Swore that George MARTIN came to him with a
cow, which he told him to deliver to the Captain of the steamer at
Portrush, with a letter to Mr. BUCHANAN at Liverpool; the letter, it
appeared, was signed Matthew STEWART, which is the name of witness'
brother. This witness, on his cross-examination, gave very
contradictory evidence, so much so as to lead his Lordship to suspect
he had a hand in stealing the cow. He therefore ordered him to be sent
to gaol.
Thomas ALEXANDER examined - Swore that George MARTIN assisted him to
look for the cow and testified to the good character of both
prisoners. - Not guilty.

Patrick CARTON indicted for an assault on James DONAGHY. Guilty; to be
imprisoned 1 month and to find bail, himself in £20, and two sureties
in £10 each.

William BURNSIDE was put forward, indicted for having in possession a
pig, the property of Robert DYSART of Coshquin. Guilty. The prisoner
was also charged on a second count, with stealing a pig from James
QUIGLEY and likewise found guilty, when his Lordship sentenced him to
be transported for 7 years.

Catherine SHESCREAN indicted for having stolen from the house of
William M'AULEY the sum of £5 in silver. Guilty.

Patrick MURRAY charged with having in possession a cow and a heifer,
the property of Patrick CULLANAN. Not guilty.

Mary MULLEN for having in her possession two pairs of blankets, the
property of Joseph DINSMORE of this city. It appeared that prisoner
had been drinking in DINSMORE'S house, when he missed the blankets;
shortly after she went out, he followed her and apprehended her in
Mrs. M'CLURE'S house, at the Waterside, where she had the blankets
tied up along with a bundle of fish. Guilty - to be transported for 7

Andrew ORRELL indicted for having in custody heifer, the property of a
person named CONVERY and for having concealed and carried away the
same, knowing her to have been stolen. - Not guilty.

James GIBSON indicted for administering a deleterious drug to Margaret
LAWRENCE on the 28th June last, at Drumovish, for the purpose of
procuring abortion. Prosecutor proved the administration of the drug
by the prisoner, although it appeared in her cross-examination that
she would not have prosecuted prisoner if he had married her and that
it was only when the prisoner got married to another woman that she
lodged informations. Other witnesses corroborated the prosecutor’s
testimony. They proved that he had confessed to them his intention of
administering the drug. Guilty - to be imprisoned 9 months and kept to
hard labour.

Anne CALLAGHAN, Catherine O'NEILL, Eliza WEIR and Nancy GALLAGHER were
indicted as vagrants, and sentenced to be transported for 7 years,
unless they find bail within 3 months.

transcribed by Teena from the Derry Journal


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