Hello All

I found a short list of some of the inhabitants of Dungannon, who paid
their respects to Henry POLE Esq. Transcribed from the 3rd Dec. 1842
edition of The Northern Standard.

Henry POLE Esq.
The restoration of this gentleman to the commission of the peace has
caused a universal feeling of pleasure in the breasts of the
inhabitants of Dungannon. It will be in the recollection of our
readers that complaints were preferred against him by the radical
party, subsequent to the Dungannon election and that a suspension of
his commission was the consequence until an investigation should take
place. Mr. POLE has not only been honorably acquitted, but the conduct
of his accusers severely censored the chancellor, who declared that
their complaints were not only untrue, but that they knowingly
suppressed facts which would have tended to benefit Mr. POLE in his
defence. How like them! The inhabitants of Dungannon, gratified at the
result of the investigation and anxious to pay a just tribute of
respect to one who had been an honor to their magisterial bench and
who had at all times discharged his duties impartially, resolved on
presenting Mr. POLE with an address of congratulation, accompanied
with a suitable mark of esteem. For this purpose a meeting was held on
the 24th Nov. in the court-house. The assemblage included the
principal gentry and clergy of the town and neighborhood, the leading
merchants and shopkeepers and a large number of respectable farmers
from the country. Among those present were;

Viscount Northland M.P., The Park
Robert Wm. LOWRY Esq., J.P. and D.L., Pomeroy Castle John Y. BURGES
Esq. J.P., Parkanour
George D CRANFIELD Esq., J.P., Blackwatertown
Robert WRAY Esq., J.P.
John Laurence SPEER Esq. J.P. Clonally
Rev. R. N. HORNER, Glebe hill
Rev. T. CARPENDALE, Donaghmore
Rev. Thomas KINGSMORE, Tullyneskin
Rev. A. MAJOR, Derrygortrevy
Rev. John LEECH, Moy
Rev. D. BENNET, Dungannon
Robert EVANS Esq., Gortmeron
James KING Esq., Roughan House
James SCOTT Esq., Bloomhill
Armour LOWRY Esq., 30th Regt.
Henry GREER Esq., 63rd Regt.
John O’SULLIVAN Esq., Killyman Glebe
John LITTLE Esq., Stewartstown
Robert BOLTON Esq., M.D.
Wm. DAWSON Esq., M.D.
Richard PIKE Esq., Beech Grove
Jackson LOYD Esq., Grange
George WILCOCKS Esq., Coalisland
John Pim BEARCROFT Esq.,
Wm. H. IRWIN Esq., Drumglass House
Richard P. MORRIS Esq.
John M. MACAVOY Esq.
John WILSON Esq.
Robert NEWTON Esq.
Wm. ROBINSON Esq. Coalisland
James BROWN Esq., Grange
William HOLMES Esq., Moy
C. C. DAVIDSON Esq., Moy

The address was read by Mr. BURGES, who also presented the piece of
plate to Mr. POLE, who was loudly cheered the moment he appeared on
the bench; and reiterated applause showed the estimation in which he
has been held by the people of Dungannon. The piece of plate was
indeed splendid and of Irish manufacture.

All the best!
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