Hello Friends

The following new pages have been added to the "In the News" section
of our genealogical web-site.

Our web-site started as an idea in 1999 and took 2 years of many
volunteers donating their time to transcribe the data, so we could
finally make a debut in 2001, on the world wide web.

The original idea came from a desire to help others to discover their
County Tyrone ancestors, free of charge, and to remain "completely
volunteer and Non-profit". No stipends or money is earned by anyone
associated with us.

Late in 2017 (I think it was) we expanded to include all of Ulster
Province. We have grown incredibly over the years, and we cannot
continue to grow without your help.

If you have transcriptions of any genealogical related material we
would be thrilled to have it added and featured on our site.
We are always seeking cemetery transcriptions, church records, birth,
marriages or deaths, directories, hearth tax, muster rolls,
area/estate descriptions or records, and even one surname studies.

Unfortunately we cannot accept screenshots, pdf's or gedcoms as these
are not searchable once placed on the site.

To submit data, please send to Tammy, our very talented and
knowledgeable web-master. (btw- for those who do not know, Tammy hosts
our web-site free of charge, on her server)


Here's hoping some of the names sent in for the roll-call miraculously appear!

All the best

1663 Hearth Money Rolls, Errigal Parish, Co Londonderry

Historical Account of Boveedy Congregation, Civil parish of Tamlaght
O’Crilly, Co. Londonderry.

Kilrea Church Memorials (St. Patricks Church of Ireland), County Londonderry

Co. Tyrone Assizes 1848

1796 Flax Seed List, Keady Parish, Co. Armagh

1796 Flax Seed List Tamlaght Parish Co. Tyrone
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

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