18 Feb. 1910 Remarkable Will Case
Tyrone Man's bequests to Priests

In the Nisi Prius court, Dublin, yesterday before Mr. Justice MADDEN
and a city common jury, a probate action came on in which Patrick
M'MENAMIN and Charles BROWN were plaintiffs and John CHRISTY

The plaintiffs, executors, seek to prove the last will, dated June
17th 1909 of Patrick KIRK, farmer, of Lisdore, County Tyrone, who died
on the 17th of the name month.

The defendant is a farmer living at The Mills, Fyfin, County Tyrone
and a nephew of the testator and he impeached the will on the ground
that the testator at the time of the execution of the will had not
testamentary capacity and did not know and approve its contents. The
defendant relied on a will dated May 20th 1909, in which he was named
as executor. The plaintiffs pleaded that this and two or three other
previous wills had been revoked.

Serjeant MORIARTY said the alleged will of the 20th May, 1909, had
been made under extraordinary circumstances. It had been prepared by
Mr. John CHRISTY and that he left himself £100 and the residue of the
testator's property, which residue was about £2100, out of a total
estate of £4,000. Plaintiffs repudiated that will, because it never
was meant to be a testamentary deposition of his property. By the will
of the 7th June, which he now sought to prove, the testator revoked
all former wills and appointed the plaintiffs as his executors. To
each of them he bequeathed £25 for their trouble and out of deposit
receipts for £3,360 in the hands of the Rev. CONNOLLY P.P., and £500
in the hands of John CHRISTY of The Mills, he left £500 to the Rev. S.
CONNOLLY, or his successor as parish priest, for parochial purposes
and to the Rev. S. CONNOLLY £100 over and above the £500. He
bequeathed the Rev. B. M'WILLIAMS C.C., Strabane, £100; to the Rev.
Father O'NEILL £50 and to the Rev. P. TRACEY £50. He directed his
executors to pay £10 "offerings" at his funeral and that a tombstone
be erected over him at a cost of £25. He bequeathed to the Bishop of
Derry (Most Rev. Dr. M'HUGH), £500; to his niece, Mary Ann BROWN £100;
his niece, Catherine BROWN, £100; and his niece, Margaret BROWN, £600;
to John CHRISTY £100; niece, Mary GRIEVE £50; to Margaret GRIEVE, £50;
his niece, Anne DEVINE £50; his cousin, Nancy KELLY, £50 to Wm. ROUSE,
who attended him, £100; to the Superioress of Nazareth House, Derry
£50; to Patrick M'LOUGHLIN who attended him £50; to Bernard M'LOUGHLIN
£50; to Margaret KIRK, £50; to John M'ANAW, £50, and to John DONAGHY,
£100; and he directed his farm and stock to be sold by his executors
and he bequeathed all the residue to his nieces, Mary, Catherine, and
Margaret BROWN, in equal shares.

Mr. Henry T. GALLAGHER, solicitor, Strabane, was the first witness.
He said he did not know Patrick KIRK, the testator, until he went to
his house the 22nd May, 1909. He went in consequence of a message from
Mr. BYRNE, bank manager. He also went and saw Mr. M'MENAMIN J.P., and
on his way to KIRK'S house, he was preceded by two policemen.
Testators house was a thatched house, very ricketty. One part of it
had been turned into a hennery and the bed was in a hole in the wail.
(Laughter.) There were only three chairs in the house and but one
room. He put two people outside who were with KIRK when he arrived,
because there was only one room. He placed his clerk in a chair at the
door to keep it shut, as it could not be fastened otherwise. KIRK told
him he had three deposit receipts amounting to over £3,000; that these
had been endorsed to Father CONNOLLY; and that Mr. CHRISTY also had
£500 of his on which he was drawing. He told witness also that he had
signed "several things." Witness asked him did he want to make a will
and he said "yes, but they told me I could do no more." Witness asked
who he meant by "they," and he answered "Father CONNOLLY and John
CHRISTY." He seemed to think that having endorsed the deposit receipts
he could not make another will, but witness told him he could still
make a will and then took his instructions. He said he wanted £900
left to Father CONNOLLY for parochial purposes and £100 for Father
CONNOLLY himself personally. Afterwards he altered that £900 to £500.
Among other things, he said he wanted to leave £500 to the Bishop.
Witness asked what that was for. He said, "Leave it to the Bishop, and
he will know." To his niece Margaret, who he said was a bit weak
minded, left £600. He left to John CHRISTY, £100. He also left the
land to the Misses BROWN. There were several other legacies, including
for the Nazareth House, and smaller sums to clergymen and relatives.
Witness described drawing up three wills for KIRK, the last being on
the 7th June. The testator was then quite clear. Witness heard of his
death on the 17th June.

Mr. SULLIVAN - Did you ever know a man who had such a taste for making
wills? - l did. (Loud laughter.)

It is not an isolated case? It is epidemic? - l have one client who
has made twelve wills in two years. (More laughter.)

Having no relatives with very strong claims on him, he selected
different objects for his bounty? l take it from you, that is what he

Did he know that when you first went to see him that he had made a
will?  He thought he had made something in the nature of an
assignment, but I explained to him that a will did not take effect
until after his death.

Did he convey to you that what he had done was done under compulsion? Certainly.

Was it his anxiety that you should make a will for fear CHRISTY, who
was not a professional man, had bungled it? - He was not altogether
content with what he had done.

Mr. Justice MADDEN - What is Mr. CHRISTY?
Mr. SULLIVAN - He is a miller.
Mr. MADDEN - He appears to have done very well for a non-professional
man. (Laughter.)
The Court adjourned.

Transcribed by Teena from the Northern Whig
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