Just a couple extracts I had in a folder.

7 Jul. 1783

ROBERTS and wife, against GORGES and others.

The further sale of the lands of Ballygawley and other lands in the
County of Tyrone decreed to be sold in this cause is adjourned to
Monday the 14th day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon at
the chancery chamber. Tho. BURROUGHS.

Note, one-fourth part of the purchase money to be deposited at the
time of sale and the same will be peremptorily sold, either the whole
or in parcels, as most agreeable to the bidders. A rent roll and other
particulars to be had of Mr. Henry CLARK, plaintiff's agent, No. 5
Usher's Island, or Mr. HUTCHISSON, No. 19 Dorset street.
(Saunders Newsletter)

9 Feb. 1784 Monaghan Feb. 6.
The following are the circumstances which attended a shocking murder,
committed in Ballygawley, in the County of Tyrone, on Saturday morning
last. Mr. BRADY, surveyor of Excise at Dungannon, having got
Information of a private distillery being at work in Ballygawley, came
there to the house of Mr. George MAINS, accompanied by a Mr. WALKER, a
guager, an officer and 26 men; on their coming they found matters as
they were represented, with a still at work and out-house well
stocked, with large concealments. Mr. BRADY, with a party of the
soldiers, took possession of the distillery, while Mr. WALKER, with
the remainder, took in their charge the out-house. The family to whom
the property belonged and who were backward and forward among them,
were in appearance on good terms with the whole of the party, when on
a notice given, they all retired to the dwelling house, which is in
front of the concerns where the seizure was made; shortly after a shot
was fired at BRADY, which went through his coat and another
immediately after without any effect; WALKER immediately went to the
place where BRADY was, being his superior officer, to know what was to
be done, when he received a ball in his left breast, that passed
through his heart and killed him on the spot. Thus a worthy and
respectable character was cut off in the prime of life, in doing that
duty which the law required of him. What is very extraordinary, though
there were such a number under the direction of Mr. BRADY, not a shot
was fired by them, nor the least attempt to apprehend the murderers,
though then in the house.
(Hibernian Journal)

transcribed by Teena
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