Hello Friends

I do hope that you will forgive my lack of participation these last
four months. I was immersed with my grandson, while his Mom attended a
continuing education program. My time caring for my grandson full-time
has now ended, so that I can now return to genealogy 100%.

The following is some news, updates, zoom meetings etc. for your information.

A Mother's Day Special is being offered by Ancestry for US & Canadian
residents, with up to $50 on DNA,  (prices exclude shipping). There
are also savings on Gift Memberships, and if you buy a DNA test you
can get a 3 month membership for just $1 more, which ends 8th May

A reminder for those who have yet, or recently, had their DNA done,
the NIFHS (North of Ireland Family History Society) established a DNA
project to use DNA testing as an aid to making genealogical
connections within and between families whose roots are in the North
of Ireland. Discounts are available from FTDNA (FamilyTreeDNA) if
orders are placed through the DNA project.

Magazine offer
Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine has an offer of 63% off, on hard
copy subscriptions which are deliver 13 issues per year.

Pre-Order a Reprinted 2012 Book
The Ulster Historical Foundation is reprinting the book titled
"Friends in High Places: Ulster's Resistance to Irish Home Rule,
1912-14". by Alan F. Parkinson. To preorder -

Latest books of the Foundation include

- Dr Henry Jones’ Account of the 1641 Rising: Plantation and War in
County Cavan by Brendan Scott
- Wonders and Legends of Lough Neagh by Matthew Donnelly, Sharon Arbuthnot
- The Catholic Community in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
by Patrick J. Corish

For these and more -

Classes, Courses, Zoom Meetings-

At the NLI (National Library of Ireland)  Tuesday, 10th May at 1.10pm,
Zoom in for a free "Introduction to the Library Archives". The talk
will discuss the Library’s collections, how to search the catalogues
and showcase the NLI’s online sources.

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) is offering "From the
Ashes: Creation of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland" on
Tue, 10 May 2022 11:00 – 12:00 PDT

For videos to watch that are available at the PRONI on Youtube -

I had forgotten about their online exhibition of the "Plantations in
Ulster, 1600-1641", so I am resharing for others who may have


The Irishgenealogy.ie site which has the B/M/D certificates online has
added an additional year of historic Births, Marriages and Deaths.
What that year is, I'm afraid I do not know. However the database now
includes -
Birth register records – 1864 to 1921
Marriage register records – 1845 to 1946
Death register records – 1871 to 1971

If anyone lives in London, or York, in the UK, (or should care to
visit), a live, in-person "Family History Show" event is taking place.
In York it is being held at the York Racecourse Sat 25th Jun. 2022, 10:00-16:30
and London is at the Kempton Park Racecourse Sat 24th Sept. 2022, 10:00-16:30

On offer are free talks, an opportunity to book a session with 'Ask
the Experts' and to visit exhibitors from all over the UK and Ireland.

They also have an on-line event coming Sat 18th February 2023, 10:00-16:30

For more info-

The Ottawa, Ontario Genealogical Society's Virtual Conference is being
held June 24 – 26 2022

The Campbell River Genealogy Society in British Columbia will host a
free virtual presentation, "FamilySearch Be a Power User" Sat. May 7
at 9:30 a.m. Pacific time (12:30 p.m. Eastern time).

FamilySearch is always changing, and always adding new records and
features. To register, send an email by May 5 to
crgs.semi...@gmail.com, including your name and email address.
Registration is limited to 100 people.

A blog post on "Adding Library Digital collections to your genealogy
search list", led me to a discovery which I post after this link.

Using the example of the Alberta Heritage Digitization Project in the
post, I found at their site the "Golden jubilee of St. Patrick's
Orphan Asylum (Montreal Canada): the work of Fathers Dowd, O'Brien and
Quinlivan: with biographies and illustrations". It turns out Father
Michael O'Brien was born in County Tyrone 6 May 1810. The Orphan
Asylum was located in Montreal Quebec, Canada.

Also found there is "The origin and meaning of place names in Canada"
which returns 45 search results of  locations named from Ireland.

Legacy has extended an offer of  1 daily free webinar through the
month of May. For a list of available webinars -

John Grenham's newest Youtube video "Neglected Irish sources: Betham's
Will Abstracts" (a database available at Find My Past.)

The Irish Registry of Deeds Index Project

FamilySearch has added a new collection to the U.K. section titled
"Prisoners of War, 1715-1947"

A newer database at the Library and Archives of Canada is "Immigrants
Before 1865". A keyword search for 'Ireland' returns 1,771 results.

If anyone knows of an event, class, updated web-sites etc. that may be
of interest, please do not hesitate to post an announcement.

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

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