Happy Canada Day to all Canadians on our list!

I have copied this from an email Newsletter of the Ulster Historical Foundation

They are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of a new
title - Alexander Robb and the Making of British Columbia: The life
and letters home of an Ulster Scots pioneer by B.R.D. White - by
offering a pre-publication subscription offer. We invite you to
subscribe to this major new study which will add to the Foundation’s
suite of emigration titles.


Alexander Robb (1839-1910) was born in County Down and sought to make
his fortune in the goldfields of British Columbia. When that proved to
be futile, and threatened with starvation, the resourceful Robb
laboured on the Cariboo wagon road. He spent years as labourer,
rancher and public servant in a young colony that was transitioning
into a province of the new Canada.

We invite you to support the publication by becoming a subscriber for
only £14.99 (US $17.99/€17.49*) plus P&P.

Or you can enhance your support by becoming a donor (£50+) or patron (£100+).

Subscribers, donors and patrons will have their names printed in a
special list in the book and be the first to have their copies
despatched on the day of publication.


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