El 06/06/11 18:12, Timothy J Massey escribió:
> The idea of reengineering the entire boot CD creation process is not
> appealing to me, especially considering my *very* modest needs. I just
> want a boot CD that doesn't require user input. Now that we've fixed
> my booting problems, I don't even need to build my own CD to do that.
> I can modify the stock ISO to achieve that.
I have just upload a 4.9 release here:
as far as I know there is no need for user input.

> But now that I've got a build process working, I will probably stick
> with my custom CD for this year. It has a big advantage in reducing
> the timeout for missing Broadcom firmware from 60 seconds to 1 second.
> Incidentally, seeing as firmware loading is broken on the CD, I'm not
> sure why the default isn't reduced anyway...
I have no idea what are you talking about.. sorry.
> All I want out of the build process is a way to easily remove DOSEMU
> seeing as most of my by-hand hassles are caused by it not building
> with the same version of GCC as everything else--and seeing as I don't
> use DOSEMU, you would think that would be easy. But it's not. So, I
> deal with my convoluted build process. 
I thought that this line could fix your problem:
"Default", ntinstall_cmd,nt5x-install

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