I believe that I have solved this issue at the Gig ether card.  There
is a setting on the Intel PRO/1000 XT (win2k server) called "Offload
Transmit TCP Checksum" that, when set to "Off", seems to resolve the
issue with communicating with the dos nic driver.  I've only been
through three successful tests so far but I think this was the deal.  I
have also yet to evaluate the overall impact of this setting on the
performance of the Gig nic.
  If I have time, I might go ahead and implement the whole copy from CD
idea anyway as a good backup.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Card 
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:04 PM
Subject: Network too fast for DOS?

Here is a surprising issue...
  I recently upgraded the NIC in our server that is hosting the
unattended OS files to a Gig ether nic (Intel PRO/1000 XT).  Since then,
all unattended OS installs have failed during the text mode copying of
files.  It doesn't matter which os, what the target hardware is, or
which network driver is used (pcnet and el90x primarily tested here).
  The Symptom is:  During the copying of files for the os install, the
copying stops in random places and the (OS) install eventually times out
with an error something like "can not copy file XXX...".  When I drop
back to a command prompt to check the state of the network connection,
it has basically terminated.  When I try to access the Z: mapping, dos
throws "extended error 58".
  I am in the process of trying BUFFERS= and FILES= settings in
config.sys to no avail.  Also, I looked into possibly doing SPEED=10 in
protocol.ini but such thing doesn't seem to be supported in the PCNet
driver.  It looks like I am very close to being forced to do all my OS
installs from CD :( or building up an old slower linux box to test and
host the files.
  Does anybody have any ideas?  Doesn't it sound like the dos nic driver
is getting data too fast?


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