With regards to OEM editions of XP. Check with your software provider if you're entitled to use Volume Licence edition of Windows. Worked for my company. If you've already paid for a licence (with the PC), but you must re-install Windows to corporate standard, then you might be able to use Volume licence edition at no extra cost. Check the attached .txt file to see if you qualify, you need Select Agreement or Enterprise Agreement. My company uses one of the above as part of licencing Office. Rules may be different in your country? Worth a try.

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Re-Imaging Licensed Microsoft Software Using Volume Licensing Media 
Corporate & Academic ¨ Select 3·4·5 ¨ Enterprise 4·5  
Microsoft Select License and Enterprise Agreement customers can use volume licensing 
media to re-image Microsoft software products licensed via a finished goods channel, 
primarily OEM and retail, with an identical version of the software.

Based on customer feedback, Microsoft has changed its licensing policies to allow its 
Select License and Enterprise Agreement customers to use volume licensing media to 
re-image Microsoft software products licensed via a finished goods channel with an 
identical version of the product without the need to purchase a volume license. 

Microsoft is always looking at ways to improve the simplicity, flexibility and 
fairness of its licensing practices in response to evolving customer needs and 
improvements in technology.

This change recognizes advances in how Microsoft Select License and Enterprise 
Agreement customers are deploying Microsoft software across corporate networks and 
helps to simplify and speed deployment of new Microsoft products.

The Change:
Microsoft Select License and Enterprise Agreement customers may use volume licensing 
media to re-image Microsoft software products licensed via a finished goods channel 
with an identical version of the product without needing to purchase a Microsoft 
volume license. The image can be installed locally or remotely over a network.

The Benefits:
·       Faster deployment of licensed Microsoft software products throughout an 
organization using the advanced deployment technologies now available for Microsoft 
·       Reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Microsoft software through 
easier deployment.
·       Ability to create standard operating environment images, containing licensed 
Microsoft software, which can be deployed rapidly and efficiently.

Key Points:
·       Microsoft Select License and Enterprise Agreement customers may use volume 
licensing media to re-image Microsoft software products licensed via a finished goods 
channel, using a local or remote image over a network
·       Any licensed Microsoft software product contained in the product pool media 
received by the Select License or Enterprise Agreement customer is covered by this 
·       Microsoft software products covered by a volume license continue to be covered 
by the terms of the customer’s Select License or Enterprise Agreement
·       Microsoft software re-imaged using volume licensing media but not covered by a 
volume license continues to be covered by the terms of the original End User License 
Agreement (EULA)

        QUESTION: What is volume licensing media?
        ANSWER: Media supplied by Microsoft to Select License and Enterprise Agreement 
customers on a regular basis as part of the agreement.

QUESTION: What happens to support and warranty coverage for Microsoft products 
licensed via a finished goods channel that are re-imaged with volume licensing media?
ANSWER:  Microsoft’s Select License and Enterprise Agreement programs are separate 
from the support offerings available from Microsoft and its partners for Microsoft 
software products. Customers re-imaging software licensed via a finished goods channel 
using volume licensing media do so at their own risk and should investigate the 
contractual and support implications of re-imaging and make arrangements accordingly. 
Customers are not entitled to Microsoft support as a result of re-imaging using 
Microsoft volume licensing media and should discuss any impact to their existing 
warranty and support coverage with their current warranty and support provider.

Note:  This Microsoft Volume Licensing Brief is provided for general informational 
purposes.  For the terms and conditions governing your use of Microsoft software 
products, please refer to your licensing agreement.

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