I have uploaded another (probably final) test release to:


If you are going to have problems with the new FreeDOS-based boot
disk, now is the time to find out.  Come on, you know you want to.

This release includes a brand-new version of FreeDOS himem64.exe with
contributions from yours truly.  See
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=6993212 and
followups.  I now know more about the "A20 gate" than I ever imagined,
or wanted.  Many thanks to Michael Devore and the other FreeDOS
developers, who took my rants and turned them into a working product.

This is the first free XMS provider in the world which actually works
on all of my systems.  Maybe it will work on yours, too.

There are some other little bugfixes and cleanups, but the new boot
disk is the big-ticket item.  Please try it out and let me know how it


 - Pat
   Who managed to miss the "wardrobe malfunction"

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