> has someone some experience with script to edit registry of other users ?
> i explain:
> for now, i have *.reg o to modify HKLM et HKCU for Admin.
> but if i want to add some users (with Addusers for example) and change
> their registry settings only on each of them or their group, how ?
> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT is no good as i don't want same settings for all.
> example:
> have some settings for group admin, group users, group guest.

With local profiles, you cannot do this until after the user has
logged in for the first time.  This is because the user-specific
registry settings are stored in the profile, and a local profile is
created (by copying the Default User profile) the first time a user
logs in.

If the user has logged in already, or if you are using roaming
profiles, you can edit the NTUSER.DAT registry hive in the profile
folder.  For local profiles, this is normally "C:\Documents and
Settings\username".  For roaming profiles, it is whatever network
directory you use to hold the profiles.

To edit these settings, you must first load the hive.  Interactively,
you would run regedt32, select Registry -> Load Hive, navigate to the
NTUSER.DAT file you want, and choose where in the registry the hive
should appear.  (Note that NTUSER.DAT is a "hidden" file.)  Then you
would edit the registry and unload the hive.

MS documents this here:


>From a Perl script, you would use Win32::TieRegistry, call the "Load"
method to load the hive, make your registry changes, and call the
Unload method.  We use this approach to edit the "Default User" hive
in our win2ksp4-notips.pl script.  Search for NTUSER.DAT in:


 - Pat

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