I have a problem that when laptop users go outside of the office and don't connect to the VPN before running Office apps.
Office runs the MS Installer trying to get something off the network.  It gives up eventually giving a Visual Basic error.
If they connect to the VPN first, the installer doesn't even run...what gives?

My Office XP is an administrative installation point and I've installed serveral updates/patches into it.
All of the computers were rebuilt this week, so it's not a matter of recaching and reinstalling on the client machines.

Thanks for any help!

Here is how I install Office on their PCs.
First I do a pretty normal install of Office XP using a transform I made.
Then we have Access 2000 installed on 1 server in the office and I do a fake install of that so that each computer believes Access 2000 is being installed as well.  That way, the one app we have will run when specifying the executable from the network.
Then I run a repair of Office XP to fix the Access 2000 junk and so that when they run Access they get Access XP from the local HD.
Then I install Outlook 2003 using a transform that I made.

Does anyone know why the MSI Screen comes up when the user is offline?

Here's the commands I use:
start /wait \\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\officexp_network_install\setup.exe /wait TRANSFORMS=\\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\officexp_network_install\Unattended.MST /qb- /le c:\netinst\logs\officexp.txt ADDLOCAL=ALL NOUSERNAME=1

start /wait \\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\office2000_network_install\setup.exe /wait TRANSFORMS=\\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\office2000_Fake\FakeAccess.MST /qb- /le c:\netinst\logs\office2k.txt ALLUSERS=1

start /wait \\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\officexp_network_install\setup.exe /wait /noreboot /foums \\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\officexp_network_install\pro.msi /qb- /le c:\netinst\logs\officefix.txt

start /wait \\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\outlook_2003\setup.exe /wait TRANSFORMS=\\mbshare1\shared\Install\packages\outlook_2003\workstation.MST /qb- /le c:\netinst\logs\outlook_2003.txt ADDLOCAL=ALL NOUSERNAME=1
Kevin Jacobson

Kevin Jacobson
* kevin@kjake.net
( +1 616 970 7537
8 http://www.kjake.net

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