here some scripts i used:
(some could be update if unattended could recognized zip files or if md5)

* cmdcons: recovery console install (need sed)
--- cmdcons.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install recovery console
@echo off "%Z%\os\%WINVER%\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons /unattend"

:: to change boot timeout to 5sec
attrib -S -H -R %systemdrive%\boot.ini
type %systemdrive%\boot.ini | sed 's/timeout=30/timeout=5/' >
move /Y %systemdrive%\ %systemdrive%\boot.ini
attrib +R +A +S +H %systemdrive%\boot.ini

* nrpe_nt : nagios monitoring
--- nrpe_nt.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install nrpe_nt
:: need to unzip file
:: <>
@Echo off

set SRC=%Z%\packages\nrpe_nt
set DST=c:\Program Files\nrpe_nt

xcopy /e /v /c /q /h /I "%SRC%" "%DST%"
echo y| cacls "%DST%" /E /G "BUILTIN\Administrateurs":F

:: configure nrpe_nt service
"%DST%\bin\nrpe_nt.exe" -i

* filezilla: ftp/sftp client
--- filezilla.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install Filezilla
@Echo off

start /wait %Z%\packages\FileZilla.exe /S

* flash
--- flash.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install Flash Player
@Echo off

start /wait AutoIt.exe %Z%\scripts\flash.aut
if errorlevel 1 exit 1
--- flash.aut
SetEnv, APPPATH, Z:\\packages

Run, %APPPATH%\\flashplayer7installer.exe
;Sleep, 5000
WinWaitActive, Installation de Macromedia Flash Player
WinWaitActive, Installation de Macromedia Flash Player, &Continuer
Send, {ENTER}

* gnupg
--- gnupg.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install Gnupg
:: need to unzip it
URL|ALL||packages/ "xcopy /E /Y /I \"z:\winapps\Mozilla\gnupg\" c:\gnupg"

* update-nav.aut "AutoIt.exe %Z%\scripts\nav-update.aut"
to add to nav script (client or corporate)
--- nav-update.aut
SetEnv, APPPATH, Z:\\packages

; update
SetEnv, APP, 20040811-020-i32.exe
WinWaitActive, SARC Intelligent Updater (%APP%)
Send, {ENTER}

WinWaitActive, SARC  Intelligent Updater, OK
Send, {ENTER}

* clamwin
--- clamwin.bat
:: OPTIONAL: install clamwin
:: <>
@echo off "%Z%\packages\clamwin-0.35.1-setup.exe /silent"

* aquastudio: sql client
--- aquastudio.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install SQL Client Aquastudio
:: msi inside the installer
:: <>
@Echo off

set msi=%Z%\packages\Aqua Data Studio 3.7.msi

start /wait msiexec /qb /l* "%SystemDrive%\netinst\logs\aquastudio.txt"
/i "%msi%"
@if errorlevel 1 exit 1

* tomcat
--- tomcat.bat
:: OPTIONAL: Install Tomcat 5
:: <>
@echo off

start /wait %Z%\packages\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27.exe /S

on the questions * why IIS is installed with Manual start and not Disabled (as manual, another service could request to start it) ? * is there an alternate way for customizing mozilla & keeping default package than install than extract package, changing config.ini and adding xpi, making a default prefs.js. * one remarks : office2k fra: no Olk901, nor kb830347 patchs * is there any structure in to have a some sort of for ? the application i want it to do is having one dir with some *.reg file, all of which are merged on install or maybe depending on some settings in _meta or software.csv * another extra like that is one script which call secedit. something like that: secedit /configure /cfg %Z%\scripts\security\%INF% /db %systemdrive%\winnt\security\database\newdb.sdb /log %systemdrive%\secedit-log.txt /quiet



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