Oooh, I also use ryanvm's ( magnificent
intiegrator to sliptream many of the post SP2 updates into my build
first. Make sure you do thios before the driverpacks bit, or it wont

On 08/06/07, Will Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd be delighted to see your modifications.
> /dosbin/ @ line 1596
> ----after----
>     and push @doit_cmds, 'xcopy /s /e /y Y:\\ C:\\';
> ----\after----
> ----add----
> push @doit_cmds, "if exist
> $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}\\I386\\presetup.cmd xcopy /s /e /y
> $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}\\OEM C:\\OEM\\";
> ----\add----
> > Do you have any tips for setting up driverpacks initially? I struggled
> > with this awhile back and gave up, but perhaps it has gotten easier
> > since then.
> Just download the DriverPacks BASE and the packs you want (i use all
> of them) from run the tool, making
> sure you use method 2 OEM folder NOT $OEM$ as you can't fit all the
> drivers in if you do that, then copy the results to your distribution
> share. (your share will then have two folders in it, i386 and OEM)
> You may want to add a line to the end of the i386/presetup.cmd file to
> delete the C:\OEM folder, but other than that, that's it! (i.e. "DEL
> C:\OEM /q")
> Let me know how you get on..
> W.

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