Am Montag, den 26.11.2007, 12:52 +0000 schrieb Paul Lewis:
> "-d" is an unknown option, but from the manpage you can select the database 
> using "-D", so I used that instead. Connected to the database with no 
> problems. Is it possible that install.php is using this "-d" option or 
> something?
> I have E_ALL errors configured to display, and "Display errors = On" set in 
> php.ini, but I am not seeing any errors on the install.php page - it just 
> dumps me back to the database configuration page.
> Any other ideas? :|

:-) I have a lot of ideas, sometimes to much :-\

The first for this case is (because you see always the db-settings page
and no error...). This function checks if you set:
$dbhost!="" && $dbuser!="" && $dbpass!="" && $dbname!="" && $dbtype!=""
That means you can not use empty passwords, or any other empty settings.
Have you filled out any value in every field?

greetz mario

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