I've been trying to get the BTS driver packs intergrated into my Unattended install for over a week now and I'm, having no luck (Windows Server 2003, hosting unattended)

Following the guide from http://ubertechnique.com/unattended/BTS_Driver_Packs and the additional information from http://ubertechnique.com/unattended/BTS_Driver_Packs/Test_Nr%2e1. It looks as if the setup is correct, but nothing is getting copied or decompressed during the GUI phase of the install. As soon at the GUI starts I get a message that drivers.cmd can't be found. I've got the following directory structure

drivers.7z My drivers.cmd has been corrected to account for the shortend names of setupinf.exe and watchdrv.exe. My unattended.txt in the \lib folder has been edited to include the following lines:

DetachedProgram = cmd.exe
Arguments = "/Q /C FOR /F %? IN ('FINDSTR/B dospath= %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF') DO (SET %?\&& CALL START /MIN %dospath:\\=\%$OEM$\drivers.cmd)"

I'm at a loss as to why this is not working correctly, I've even tried to copy the executables one directory lower to see if that worked, but still got the same problem.

Any ideas or suggestions would be highly appreciated. It's got to be something I've got set up incorrectly, but I'm just not seeing it.

Christopher Rector, MCSE
Computer Information Specialist
Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine
Department of Ob/Gyn

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