Hello, thank you for your great work, please, can you modify the 
install.pl code to use OEM directory used by http://driverpacks.net
after using DPs_base, just move the OEM directory in I386, and all the 
drivers are included in the unattended installation

We're actually use this :

diff install.pl install.pl.org

<         my $los1     = $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'};
<         my $los      = dos_to_host( $los1 . '\I386\OEM') ;
<         my $xdrivers = '';
<         # print 'los = ', $los, "\n";
<         if ( -d $los )
<         {
<             $xdrivers = 'xcopy OEM c:\OEM /Y /E /I';
<             print 'drivers founded : ', $xdrivers, "\n";
<         }
<         return "$dos_zdrv;cd $src_tree;$xdrivers;winnt $lang_opts 
/s:$src_tree /u:$unattend_txt";
 >         return "$dos_zdrv;cd $src_tree;winnt $lang_opts /s:$src_tree 


Please, can you explain me (exactly) how to compile the linuxboot.iso 
form scratch (kernel and the rest), as i want to include the support of 
ntfs (partition & write) to avoid the convert-ntfs phase.

Université de Marseille 2,
CISCAM / Faculté de Pharmacie - SSI,
27 Boulevard Jean-Moulin,
13005 Marseille,
Tél: 04 91 83 56 79

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