Regis Gras wrote:

>[maguelone]-rgras# cvs up
>? syslinux-3.62
>cvs update: Updating .
>P Makefile
>cvs update: Updating misc
>P misc/nail-floppy.txt
>cvs update: Updating tools
>[maguelone]-rgras# make download
>Makefile:945: *** appel à la fonction « call » non terminé : « ) » 
>manquant. Arrêt.
>In Makefile line 945
># Awful hack
>$(call download_rule, $(glibc-linuxthreads), tar.bz2,   \
>#, $(glibc))
>I presume that the # is fault.
>I try without.

I corrected Makefile with:

$(call download_rule, $(glibc-linuxthreads), tar.bz2,   \, $(glibc))

Then make download works, but the compilation failed.

cc  -o miniperl \
    `echo   gv.o toke.o perly.o op.o pad.o regcomp.o dump.o util.o mg.o 
reentr.o mro.o hv.o av.o perl.o run.o pp_hot.o sv.o pp.o scope.o 
pp_ctl.o pp_sys.o doop.o doio.o regexec.o utf8.o taint.o deb.o 
universal.o xsutils.o globals.o perlio.o perlapi.o numeric.o mathoms.o 
locale.o pp_pack.o pp_sort.o  | sed 's/ op.o / /'` \
    miniperlmain.o opmini.o -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
pp_sys.o(.text+0x6d82): In function `Perl_pp_ftrread':
pp_sys.c: undefined reference to `eaccess'
collect2: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution
make[1]: *** [miniperl] Erreur 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [perl-5.10.0/perl] Erreur 2

CVS use perl-5.10.0. Perhaps perl-5.8.8 is better ?
What do you think about this ?


| Régis Gras                 |        |
|   D.C.M.                   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| 301, rue de la chimie      |         --------------            |
| DU BP 53                   | Tel 04 76 51 41 76                |
| 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9     | Fax 04 76 51 40 89                |

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