I tried to compile unattended-4.8 on a debian

    The compile was OK, but nothing works ....
On Dell OPtiplex 755, the internet driver does'nt work
Always:   eth0: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO and the Dell freezes

On an older computer:
    Network OK, mount cif OK, but parted does'nt work
    libparted-1.6.so.12 not found.
This message is very strange.    In linuxboot, parted-1.8.8
was downloaded.
 Note that in ....linuxboot/misc, there is a parted-1.6.22.tar.gz. I do'nt
know why ...


| Régis Gras                 | http://dcm.ujf-grenoble.fr        |
|   D.C.M.                   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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| DU BP 53                   | Tel 04 76 51 41 76                |
| 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9     | Fax 04 76 51 40 89                |

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