Juan Jose Pablos wrote:

> Regis Gras escribió:
>> I tried to use linux-2.6.25-rc8, but it fails and complains:
>> Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.25-rc8/modules.dep: No such file or 
>> dirctory
> modify misc/nail-floppy.txt change to 2.6.25-rc8
> remove the stage1 and stage2 directories. and make again.
>> I changed nothing in the Makefile, just download directly 
>> linux-2.6.25-rc8 on
>> http://www.kernel.org.
>> With make tftpboot, I accepted all the default options.
>>    - Have I some thing to change in the Makefile ?
>>    - Are there good options to choose ?
As you said, I modified misc/nail-floppy.txt , removed stage1 and stage2 
and restart make tftpboot.

The compilation was OK, but when I started a PXE boot on a Dell 755 the 
problem was
always the same ......

 << ....................... MSI interrupt error: -1
eth0: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO   >> 
and the Dell freezes.

As said Andres,
I Ctrl+C and tried /etc/master manually and, then, all works.


| Régis Gras                 | http://dcm.ujf-grenoble.fr        |
|   D.C.M.                   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| 301, rue de la chimie      |         --------------            |
| DU BP 53                   | Tel 04 76 51 41 76                |
| 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9     | Fax 04 76 51 40 89                |

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