For the past few days, I've been working on getting unattended setup and 
running.  It took a while, but I've now got a working installation.  I have 
been using the code straight from cvs, and I've been poking through it to 
learn how it works so I can modify it to match my own purposes.  I have been 
using virtualbox to test the system with.

I really like the way it's setup, and it seems to work pretty well.  I am very 
poor in my understanding of perl, so it's somewhat difficult to figure out 
what's happening during certain parts of the install process.  I am even more 
inexperienced with windows, and this makes it more difficult.  However, I'm a 
lot more fluent in python, have years of experience with debian, and I've 
been doing automated installs of debian machines over a network for many 
years now.  My website for this is here:

I have been using debian live for my installer environment, and I'm very 
pleased with how well it works.  I have decided to try using debian live to 
make the install environment for unattended.  I made a rough configuration 
that seems to work so far.  It's somewhat limited, as it only uses the 
nt5x-install script.  The configuration will almost definitely need to be 
modified to be used, as it's setup to run on my laptop (actually a VM on the 
laptop, I use paella to create the unattended server and use virtualbox's 
internal networking to test the system).

Some advantages for using debian live is that it supports creating iso's, 
network images, and even images that can be used on a usb drive (such as an 
SD card or external hard drive).  It's also much quicker to build, and you 
don't need to keep track of upstream sources.  Some disadvantages are that 
the image is larger, and it requires using debian to make the image.  The 
image that I made with this configuration is around 160M (that's if you use 
compression with the mksquashfs options, when I'm testing, I don't compress 
the images and you'll need to edit the "binary" file to comment that out at 
the bottom to compress the image with the configuration I've attached).

I've also attached a script to help install the virtualbox guest additions to 
the machines I've been trying to install.  This is the first script that I 
made, and it seems to work pretty well.  When I add the .reboot directive to 
it, the installation will fail after rebooting with this error "Unable to 
GetUNCName for Z::".  I think that the script is adding an extra 
colon to the drive letter, but I can't be sure, and I can't understand the 
perl well enough to diagnose this.

I am also using the and unattended.csv to help with dynamic 
configuration.  I have noticed that there are problems with passing a "0" as 
the value for a couple of properties.  I am going to paste a snippet here to 
show you:

# Lookup fdisk_confirm
#$u->push_value ('_meta', 'fdisk_confirm', sub { return 
lookup_property('FDiskConfirm'); });
$u->push_value ('_meta', 'fdisk_confirm', 0);

# Lookup edit_files
#$u->push_value ('_meta', 'edit_files', sub { return 
lookup_property('EditFiles'); });
$u->push_value ('_meta', 'edit_files', 0);

The corresponding parts of the unattended.csv follows:

These lookups seem to fail and cause the script to ask the 
questions anyway.

Anyway, this is basically the sum of my experiences so far.  I hope to 
understand how the system works in more detail in the near future.

Joseph Rawson

Attachment: live-config.exported.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

Attachment: vbox-guest7z.7z
Description: application/7z

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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