Stephen Kojoukhine escribió:
> Yes, based on my test with the Ubuntu live cd of the 9.04 release
> candidate, the 2.6.28-11-generic kernel supports this new hardware. My
> problem is that I don't have any compiling experience, or even that much
> linux experience, so I can't within a reasonable time frame rebuild the
> linuxiso image for the project.
> However, since this is something that has to get done in order to
> support unattended on future hardware, I'm assuming that whoever is
> maintaining the project would have interest in be capable of performing
> updates such as this.

yes, i do, but what make you think that it has to happen on your 
"reasonable time frame"? :-)

> Should I maybe try to talk to the developer mailing list? I just don't
> want this project to reach a phase where everyone comes to the site and
> finds that all the files are outdated and everything has to be
> recompiled custom made from cvs. For a project that is intended to make
> lives of admins easier... admins in mostly windows environments that is,
> I find it hard to believe that this state would be the goal. It's
> already somewhat disorganized with 4.7 being up on the site and 4.8 RC's
> being hidden away.

thanks for worrying about the state of the project, it seems to be 
"Unattended", and please feel free to update the look and feel or 
whatever you could help.

The unattended project is intended to avoid wasting time on same duties 
so it could save time that could be spent to maybe....just maybe.. to 
learn how to compile new kernel in Linux :-)

> Anyway, if the maintainers don't have a pipeline set up to update the
> kernel in the project's image... I suppose I'll HAVE to figure it all
> out myself :(
that will be cool isn't it? :-)

There were a couple of emails away someone posted some information about 
how to compile within debian lenny.
Have a look on our wiki as well there is some info (I can give you write 
access if you need it)


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