Hello list,

I just wanted to take a moment and say *thank you* to the whole team behind the /Unattended/ project. I have used it in the past year-and-a-half to remotely and effortlessly install dozens and dozens of Windows XP and 2003 Server machines and it has saved me countless hours of frustation.

Thank you, guys and gals, for a wonderful product -- one of the few that actually make a SysOp's life worth living, one of the few that get the job done with no exceptions, one of the few that actually make a difference.

Thank you and hats off!


Have a nice day and keep up the good work,
Radu - Eosif '@Dexter' Mihailescu

@Dexter<radu.mihaile...@linux360.ro>  GSM: +40 (721) 294400
JID: csdex...@jabber.linux360.ro ICQ: 27762040 Y!: csdexter
MSN: rmihaile...@hotmail.com AIM: csdexter Skype: csdexter
Blog: http://www.linux360.ro/~csdexter/blog/

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