oh. Didn't catch that. Guess I could have looked at the .imz file more


I guess the real question is - why is he using a dos boot disk and not
the linux boot? I'm just curious. Maybe he has some good reason to go
the dos boot rout?



Patrick Benton

IT Specialist

Commnet Wireless LLC

IT support: 





pben...@commnetwireless.com <mailto:supp...@commnetwireless.com> 

P Before printing this document, please think about the environment



From: Radu - Eosif Mihailescu [mailto:radu.mihaile...@linux360.ro] 
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:03 PM
To: unattended-info@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Unattended] Problems with PXE and unattended-4.8



He's using memdisk because he's using the DOS boot disk to start the

"undis3c.imz" is a 1.44MB floppy (80 cylinders x 2 heads x 18 sectors x
512 bytes each) image that is perfectly bootable with memdisk (albeit
using 'keeppxe' on the command line to actually have it work once booted
:-) )

The solution you are suggesting below pertains to the Linux boot disk
(also the recommended method by Unattended's authors), not the DOS one.


So, r...@krautmann.net, please try to switch to the Linux boot disk and
see if it solves your problem.

Have a nice evening everyone,

On 08/02/2009 10:34 PM, Patrick Benton wrote: 

Why are you using memdisk? Its ok at booding dos boot disks. But doesn't
seem to do well on CD images. This is my relevant pxelinux.cfg.
label unattended
        MENU LABEL ^Unattended Windows install
        kernel unattended/bzImage
        # Add options (z_user=..., z_path=..., etc.) to this line.
        append initrd=unattended/initrd z_path=\\ntinstall\install
in otherwords, extract out the netboot stuff. Boot the kernel and append
the initrd. Works great.
Patrick Benton
IT Specialist
Commnet Wireless LLC
P Before printing this document, please think about the environment
-----Original Message-----
From: r...@krautmann.net [mailto:r...@krautmann.net] 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:40 AM
To: unattended-info@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Unattended] Problems with PXE and unattended-4.8
Hi friends,
I have a serious problem with unattended-4.8.
I installed everything on my eisfair server. DHCP, DNS and TFTP are
When I start one of my clients it gets successfully an IP address, and  
then the message appears
"Loading unattended/memdisk......OK"
"Loading unattended/undis3c.imz..OK"
And from this point nothing happens anymore.
When I try take different memdisk version I have either the same  
result or it reboots after the message "Ready".
I hope somebody could help me, because I had already running a very  
stabil unattended-4.7 version...and now I thought I make it better  
(F***   Never change a running system :)
(But I tried 4.7 also with the same result)
Thanks for you help

@Dexter <radu.mihaile...@linux360.ro>
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