Hi there,

WindowsXP Home Edition can be deployed via unattended and cannot be deployed via Microsoft RIS -- specifically because it (the Home Edition, that is) does not include domain-member functionality which RIS needs.

So, "YES" is your answer :D


Ben Tice wrote:



Hey – my company really really needs to do Windows XP Home edition over a network unattended or atleast partially unattended. They’re telling me, though, that its not possible because of something with a domain?


I was wondering if you could give me a clear “yes” or “no” on Network Installations of Windows XP Home; I will literally pour myself into this but, I’d hate to waste my time and energy on something that just isn’t possible.



Looking forward to your response,


Benjamin Tice

IT Assistant

Brilliance Academy / Babbage Net School

847-559-7464; Ex: 2929


Brilliance Academy- final4   &  Babbage Logogreen2


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