i'm trying to use unattended. Netboot already works fine. i created a 
samba share in the described way. I can reach the samba share from a 
windows client using \\ntinstall\install and user guest with password 
guest. i also have an user winint with password winint. When i pxe-boot 
unattended i get the message "The password is invalid for 
\\ntinstall\install". I also tried to overwrite the defaults with 
\\<IP>\install and i also used my second user winint but with the same 
The whole output on the client is
You are currently logged on as GUEST.
You first must log off successfully.
The command completed successfully.
Mapping Z: to \\ntinstall\install ...
The password is invalid for \\ntinstall\install
Type the password for \\ntinstall\install
my smb.conf looks like this:

# guest account for unattended
  guest account   = guest
  unix extensions = no


# Disable changing of password using samba
  unix password sync = yes
  passwd program = /bin/false %u


   comment  = Unattended
   writable = no
   locking  = no
   path     = /opt/unattended/install
   guest ok = yes


Any idea or a tip for reasons of this? And where is the corresponding  
autoexec.bat  for the netboot.
Thanks, Martin

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