Hello Gerhard,

Thanks for your answer ! So I've reconfigured my Samba share, and it works
well now. Here is the Samba conf I've used :

   security = user
   map to guest = bad user
   guest account = nobody

   comment = Unattended
   path = /usr/local/unattended/install
   read only = yes
   locking = no
   browseable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   write list = unattenduser


On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Gerhard Hofmann

> Jean-Luc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It's my first message here, so a big thanks for the Unattended project !
>> I'm trying to use appsonly.bat with a Samba share that requires a
>> password. When the computer reboot (when I install Windows Update or
>> other), the Z: automount fails because it can't find the Z_PASS var.
>> I've checked the method used by Unattended install+post install, and it
>> uses a temp file named "tempcred.bat" that contains Z_USER and Z_PASS.
>> Is there a method like that when using appslonly.bat ?
>> Actually, I can't find any fast solution and thinking about using a
>> public share... Do you use public share yourselves ?
>> Thanks
> Hi Jean-Luc,
> I'm the author of appsonly.bat / appsonly.pl script. appsonly.bat sets
> these environment variables at the beginning:
> Z --> saves the local drive letter that should be used for install share
> mapping, search for the lines...
>  REM preferrably, we will use drive z: for install dir mapping
>  set  z=z:
> ...in appsonly.bat in order to configure this / to avoid collisions with
> drive letters that are already in use.
> Z_PATH --> saves UNC path of install dir, for example \\myserver\install
> Z_USER --> I just pass the current value of USERNAME (that means the
> currently logged on user) to Z_USER, so to be honest, that variable is
> somehow redundant...
> After appsonly.bat has processed the whole todo stack (which may include
> several reboots), all 3 variables Z, Z_PATH, Z_USER are deleted.
> Generally, I have never thought about saving credentials for accessing the
> \\server\install share, it was simply not necessary. The appsonly.bat script
> assumes that
> - the user calling the script has admin privileges
> - the user calling the script has access to the install share without
> having to fill out any user / password dialogs
> appsonly.bat *does* save user / password credentials, but only for setting
> the autologin and not for accessing the install share.
> So, in short: a possible solution is configuring your Samba share in a way
> that no password prompt pops up.
> You can post your /etc/samba/smb.conf here if you want or send me a PM, so
> I may have a look at it.
> Gerhard
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