2011/3/11 Juanjo Pablos <jua...@apertus.es>
> > The reboot is necessary because the Ingres-Client software defines a
> > new environment variable II_SYSTEM (pointing to the Ingres
> > installation path) and the Ingres-Client-Servicepack setup *must see*
> > that variable in order to run through. If I leave out the reboot, the
> > service pack installation does not work.
> >
> > So the question is: how can I achieve in "multiple step" scenarios
> > that the second step will see environment variables set by the first
> > step *without* having to reboot?
> >
> >
> well, try to add  a path for the user:
> set II_SYSTEM=C:\Ingres
> |reg add HKCU\Environment /v PATH /d "%II_SYSTEM%;%path%" /f|
> http://superuser.com/questions/65816/setting-or-modifying-a-system-wide-environment-variable-in-cmd-exe

Hello Juanjo,

first of all, thanks for your response.

I have setup a little test case based on your suggestion.

set II_SYSTEM=C:\Ingres
reg add HKCU\Environment /v PATH /d "%II_SYSTEM%;%path%" /f

todo.pl "echo %PATH%"

todo.pl "part2.bat"
todo.pl "part1.bat"

I have executed runallwithoutreboot.bat using appsonly.bat

Unfortunately, the output of echo command in part2.bat will *not show* c:\Ingres

Logging off from Windows (or rebooting) + logging in + cmd.exe + path command
--->  c:\Ingres is shown

So it was worth a trial but doesn't seem to solve the problem.

I wonder if the with-env.pl script would be useful for my scenario,
has anybody here used it and can give some examples?


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