Happy new year everyone! :)

After a failure in accessing .co.il domains with unbound 1.9.0, I decided
to give it a go and compile unbound 1.13.0 on my RaspberryOS (Debian

I'm encountering issues that I'm out of ideas on how to solve.

   1. Cannot open log file (despite it's configured in unbound.conf)
   2. Cannot use the unbound-checkconf utility

I provided a link to my config file at the bottom.
Appreciate your help!


*pi@raspberrypi:/etc/unbound $ sudo systemctl status unbound*
● unbound.service - Unbound DNS resolver
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/unbound.service; enabled; vendor
preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-01-01 10:44:56 AEDT; 19min ago
  Process: 456 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -r
/etc/unbound/root.hints -a /etc/unbound/root.key (code=exited,
 Main PID: 481 (unbound)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 2063)
   CGroup: /system.slice/unbound.service
           └─481 /usr/sbin/unbound -c /etc/unbound/unbound.conf -d

Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for
2001:dc3::35 port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for
2001:500:1::53 port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for
2001:500:9f::42 port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound-anchor[456]: [1609458296]
libunbound[456:0] error: udp connect failed: Network is unreachable for port 53
Jan 01 10:44:56 raspberrypi unbound[481]: [1609458296] unbound[481:0] *error:
Could not open logfile /var/log/unbound/unbound.log: No such file or
Jan 01 10:44:57 raspberrypi unbound[481]: [1609458297] unbound[481:0]
notice: init module 0: validator
Jan 01 10:44:57 raspberrypi unbound[481]: [1609458297] unbound[481:0]
notice: init module 1: iterator
Jan 01 10:44:57 raspberrypi unbound[481]: [1609458297] unbound[481:0] info:
start of service (unbound 1.13.0).

pi@raspberrypi:/var/log/unbound $ ls

pi@raspberrypi:/etc/unbound $ unbound-checkconf /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
/etc/unbound/var/log/unbound: *No such file or directory*
[1609459551] unbound-checkconf[1316:0] fatal error: logfile directory does
not exist

pi@raspberrypi:/etc/unbound $ ls
root.hints  root.key  root.zone  unbound.conf  unbound_control.key
 unbound_control.pem  unbound.log  unbound.pid  unbound_server.key

*unbound.conf* here -> https://pastebin.com/ZAUVFVEF

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